Destruction of a habitat

Author Tufa Field Blogger

The Tufa Field- a new threat

It’s not just development that threatens the delicate balance of the Tufa Field’s existence. Now it is facing alien invasion. Non-native species are a persistent and pernicious threat to our green spaces. The local ecology does not have time to… Continue Reading →

Traffic Survey Englishcombe Lane, Part 2

*Update: The BANES results are now available. These show a close correlation with our results, confirming the conclusions of our survey, including both volumes and speed profiles. Following on from our survey in June, we have conducted a follow-up survey…. Continue Reading →

Beasts, Butterflies and Bees

August is peak Butterfly time at the Tufa Field. Nectar from the Nettle patch provides food, cover and egg-laying sites. There are also many bees, including Honey Bees, but just as important, Carder, Mining, Red- and White-tails. Amphibians are also… Continue Reading →

Raptor at the Tufa Field

The long grasses and summer plants in the Tufa Field are providing ideal raptor hunting conditions. Field voles, shrews and field mice are plentiful. Some stunning images of our latest visitor, the common buzzard, Buteo Buteo.   The video is… Continue Reading →

Traffic Survey – Englishcombe Lane

The Tufa Field is served by the road called Englishcombe Lane in Bath. Residents have long been concerned that any development of the Tufa Field for housing would lead to a decrease in safety for children attending the local Moorlands… Continue Reading →

The Tufa Field – What Next?

The decision by BANES to suspend development of the Tufa Field has been widely welcomed. The new Council leader has started the process of looking again at the uses for the the area, against a backdrop of financial and political… Continue Reading →

Council Leader’s U-turn

Despite declaring that the plans for the Tufa Field would not be pursued in his inauguration address, only 3 weeks ago,  Councillor Kevin Guy confirmed at today’s cabinet meeting that a new development plan is being considered that will once… Continue Reading →

Bath and North East Somerset Council Announcement

Sticky Post

Here is the announcement by Kevin Guy, the new Council leader, that the Tufa Field will not be lost to developers. A massive thank you to everyone who has supported us, every one of your voices counted. The biggest thanks… Continue Reading →

National Dawn Chorus Day

Something from the Tufa Field for #nationaldawnchorusday. You can listen to our live camera feed every day.

Avon Wildlife Trust

We  are pleased  to receive this endorsement from Avon Wildlife Trust’s CEO Ian Barrett. “The nature emergency has been caused by loss of wildlife habitats and Sites of Nature Conservation Importance in particular need to be protected and managed for… Continue Reading →

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