The Ecology of the Tufa Field is complex and diverse, having developed over the 50 years since the field was last in active cultivation as a dairy cow meadow.

Surrounding land to the south has burgeoned into a rich woodland, and is now the Stirtingale Farm SNCI. The apron to this woodland is the Tufa Field, with a Lowland Grassland characteristic, and supporting the life in the woodland, as well as its own inhabitants.

Key species include Reptiles (Slow Worms), Amphibians (Newts, Frogs and Toads), Invertebrates (Moths and Butterflies) and Small and Large Mammals (Voles, Deer, Badgers, Foxes). The entrance to the field is an important Bat corridor.

The Tufa Flushes support calcareous plant life, the surface of the field being either continuously or partially permeated by up to 3 watercourses. The Tufa formations are in their infancy and as such are not particularly prominent, but the continuous flow of water containing high levels of dissolved limestone give rise to conditions only found rarely in the area. 

The presence of numerous Garden Ponds around the site periphery supports amphibian breeding and hibernation,underlining their importance in an urban setting..

The 2024 Ecological Impact Assessment records numerous Slow Worm sites, 

The EIA is a snapshot, taken at a particular time and under prevailing conditions, and does not pretend to record all species, or identify their likely presence. Local observations have taken place over many years in continuous conditions, so has identified many more species than a quick survey can.

This local record is documented here.

The field has a complex geology and ecology with representatives from large and small mammal groups, birds of all sizes, amphibians, reptiles, invertebrates including moths butterflies and insect life. There is also a huge range of botanical species present in the wet and drier areas in close proximity. Many have made their home here others depend on the site for feeding and breeding, some for transit to other areas, some are unique to the ecology.

A veritable Museum  of Life in our midst.

Documenting all of the species is a considerable task and is ongoing so the following tables are constantly being amended and extended. If you spot something we have missed, please let us know.

If you want to know more about a particular species, click on its link.


Name Last
Number Class Scientific

Fallow Deer
Daily 3-4 Artiodactyla Dama
Badger Daily 3 setts Carnivora Meles meles Protected
Fox Daily 2-3 Carnivora Vulpes
Grey Squirrel Daily many Rodent Sciurus
Field Vole May 2023 many Rodent Microtus
Wood Mouse June 2023 many Rodent Apodemus
pipistrelle bat
July 2023 many Chiroptera Pipistrellus
Greater Horseshoe Bat June 2023 many Chiroptera Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Protected
Muntjac Deer January 2023 1-2 Artiodactyla Muntiacus reevesi Protected

To see a full list of UK mammals and their status , visit the Mammal Society.


N.B. All birds are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981

Status indicates the conservation status as defined by the RSPB, Red is the highest danger category, through Amber to Green which are the birds which are not showing moderate or severe declines.

Name Last
Number Class Scientific
Barn Owl February 2022 1 Owls Tyto Alba Green
Blackbird Daily Many Thrushes Turdus Melua Green
Blackcap Daily Many Warblers Sylvia atricapilla Green
Blue Tit Daily Many Tits Cyanistes caerulus Green
Bullfinch May 2023 2 Finches Pyrrhula pyrrhula Amber
Buzzard Daily 3-4 Kites, hawks
and eagles
Carrion Crow Daily 3-4 Crows Corvus corone Green
Chaffinch Daily 1-2 Finches Fringilla coelebs Green
Chiffchaff Daily 1-2 Warblers Phylloscopus
Coal tit Daily 1-2 Tits Periparus ater Green
Collared Dove Daily 1-2 Pigeons and
Streptopelia decaocto Green
Common gull Daily Many Gulls and
Larus canus Amber
Dunnock Daily Many Accentors Prunella modularis Amber
Fieldfare February 2023 2-3 Thrushes Turdus pilaris Red
Goldfinch June 2023 1-2 Finches Carduelis carduelis Green
Great spotted woodpecker April 2022 1 Woodpeckers Dendrocopos major Green
Great tit Daily Many Tits Parus major Green
Greenfinch May 2023 2-3 Finches Chloris Chloris Red
Herring gull Daily Many Gulls and Terns Larus argentatus Red
Hooded Crow Weekly 1-2 Crows Corvus cornix Green
House martin June 2022 3-4 Swallows and
Delichon urbicum Red
House sparrow Daily 5-6 Old world
Passer domesticus Red
Jackdaw Weekly 1 Crows Corvus monedula Green
Jay June 2022 1 Crows Garrulus glandarius Green
Magpie Daily 5-6 Crows Pica pica Green
Nightingale June 2022 1 Chats Luscinia megarhynchos Red
Nightjar Daily 1 Nightjars Caprimulgus europaeus Amber
Nuthatch Daily 1 Nuthatches Sitta europaea Green
Pheasant May 2023 2-3 Pheasants and partridges Phasianus colchicus Introduced
Red Kite June 2022 1 Kites, hawks
and eagles
Milvus milvus Green
Robin Daily 1-2 Old world
flycatchers and chats
Erithacus rubecula Green
Rook June 2022 Many Crows Corvus frugilegus Amber
Song thrush Daily 1 Thrushes Turdus philomelos Amber
Stock dove Daily 5-6 Pigeons and
Columba oenas Amber
Starling March 2023 1-2 Starling Sturnus vulgaris Red
Swift July 2023 2-3 Swifts Apus apus Red
Tawny Owl Frequent 1-2 Owls Strix aluco Amber
Treecreeper Frequent 1-2 Treecreepers Certhia familiaris Green
Woodpigeon Daily 5-6 Pigeons and
Columba palumbus Amber
Wren Daily 1-2 Wrens Troglodytes troglodytes Amber


Name Last
Number Class Scientific
Red list Status
Common Toad July 2023 Many   Bufo Bufo Least Concern
Common Frog Daily Many   Rana Temporaria Least Concern
Smooth Newt Daily Many   Lissotriton vulgaris Least Concern
Palmate Newt May 2022 5-6   Lissotriton helveticus Least Concern


Name Last
Number Class Scientific
Slow Worm Spring 2023 Many Reptiles Anguis fragilis Protected
Common Lizard July 2022 1-2 Reptiles Zootoca vivipara Priority species


Name Last
Number Classification Scientific
Small Blue July 2023 5-6 Butterflies Cupido Minimus Priority Species
Meadow Brown June 2023 4-5 Butterflies Maniola Jurtina Common
Painted Lady June 2023 4-5 Butterflies Vanessa cardui Common
Peacock Butterfly March 2023 1-2 Butterflies Aglais Io Common
Common Blue June 2023 3-4 Butterflies Polyommatus icarus Common
Small White July 2023 7-8 Butterflies Pieris rapae Common
Cinnabar June 2023 2 Moths Tyria jacobaeae Priority species
Common blue damselfly June 2023 Many Damselflies Enallagma cyathigerum Common
Large red damselfly May 2023 Many Damselflies Pyrrhosoma nymphula Common
Common froghopper May 2023 Many Bugs Philaenus spumarius Common
Hill soldier fly June 2018 1 Diptera Oxycera pardalina Rare
Buff-tailed Bumblebee Spring 2023 3-4 Bees and Wasps Bombus terrestris Common
Hairy-footed flower bee May 2023 Many Bees and Wasps Anthophor plumipes Common
Early bumblebee March 2023 4-5 Bees and Wasps Bombus pratorum Common
Garden Bumblebee Summer 2022 Many Bees and Wasps Bombus hortorum Common
White-tailed bumblebee Summer 2022 4-5 Bees and Wasps Bombus lucorum Common
Red-tailed bumblebee Summer 2022 4-5 Bees and Wasps Bombus lapidarius Common
Common Carder Bee Summer 2023 Many Bees and Wasps Bombus pascuorum Common
Honey Bee Summer 2023 Many Bees and Wasps Apis mellifera Common
Patchwork leaf-cutter bee Summer 2023 4-5 Bees and Wasps Megachile centuncularis Common
Red Mason Bee Summer 2023 2-3 Bees and Wasps Osmia bicornis Common
Common Wasp Summer 2023 Many Bees and Wasps Vespula vulgaris Common
Red Ant Summer 2023 Many Ants Myrmica rubra Common
Yellow Meadow Ant Summer 2023 Many Ants Lasius flavus Common
Black Garden Ant Summer 2023 Many Ants Lasius niger Common
Garden spider June 2023 Many Spiders Araneus diadematus Common
Wolf Spider July 2023 Many Spiders Pardosa amentata Common
Drone-fly Regularly Many Flies Eristalis tenax Common
Common banded hoverfly Summer 2023 Many Flies Syrphus ribesii Common
Heineken fly Summer 2023 Many Flies Rhingia campestris Common
Marmalade fly Summer 2023 Many Flies Episyrphus balteatus Common
Clouded Silver July 2023 1 Moths Lomographa temerata Common
Gatekeeper Summer 2023 1 Butterflies Pyronia tithonus Common
Peacock Butterfly July 2023 1 Butterflies Aglais io Common
Green Lacewing July 2023 1 Other insects Chrysoperla carnea Common
Common Mayfly June 2023 3-4 Other insects Ephemera danica Common
Speckled Wood August 2023 1 Butterflies Pararge aegeria Common
Holly Blue August 2023 1 Butterflies Celastrina argiolus Common
Brindled Beauty August 2023 1 Moths Lycia hirtaria Common


Name Last Reported Number Category Scientific
Agrimony Summer 2022 Many Wildflowers Agrimonia eupatoria Common
Bath Asparagus Summer 2022 4-5 Wildflowers Ornithogalum pyrenaicum Uncommon
Buddleia Summer 2022 1 Trees and Shrubs Buddleja davidii Introduced, naturalised
Bittersweet Summer 2022 Many Wildflowers Solanum dulcamara Common
Cow parsley Summer 2022 Many Wildflowers Anthriscus sylvestris Common
Common Sorrel Summer 2022 5-6 Wildflowers Rumex acetosa Common
Great Bindweed Summer 2022 Many Wildflowers Calystegia sylvatica Common, non-native
Field Bindweed Summer 2022 Many Wildflowers Convolvulus arvensis Common
Great Willowherb Summer 2022 Many Wildflowers Epilobium hirsutum Common
Hogweed Summer 2022 Many Wildflowers Heracleum sphondylium Common
Hedge Parsley Summer 2022 Many Wildflowers Torilis Japonica Common
Ragwort Summer 2022 Many Wildflowers Senecio jacobaea Common
Red Bartsia Summer 2022 Many Wildflowers Odontites verna Common
Spear Thistle Summer 2022 Many Wildflowers Cirsium vulgare Common
Stinging Nettle Summer 2022 Many Wildflowers Urtica dioica Common
Teasel Summer 2022 Many Wildflowers Dipsacus fullonum Common
White Briony Summer 2022 Many Wildflowers Bryonia dioica Common
Woolly Thistle Summer 2022 Many Wildflowers Cirsium eriophorum Common
Yellow Rattle Summer 2022 Many Wildflowers Rhinanthus minor Common
Yorkshire Fog Summer 2022 Many Grasses Sedges and Rushes Holcus lanatus Common