The Tufa Field

Destruction of a habitat

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The Destruction begins.

Today,  7th August 2023 saw the start of the destruction of the Tufa Field. Contractors engaged by Bath and North East Somerset Council once again used high power brush cutters and  industrial mowers to cut down the nettle beds, despite… Continue Reading →

Stories from the Tufa Field – No. 1: Buddleia

In this new feature, we examine in more detail the wide diversity of plant, animal and insect life to be found in the Tufa Field. We start with a plant familiar to some as the Butterfly Bush,  or Buddleia Davidii…. Continue Reading →

Tufa in Dalby Forest

This is an extract from the Channel 5 program “Secret Life of the Forest” broadcast on 8th March 2023. The parallels with our Tufa Field are striking and illustrate both the uniqueness and the potential for the field as a … Continue Reading →

BANES confirms plans to develop the Tufa Field

Sticky Post

At a  meeting with residents  on the 2nd March 2023 the Liberal Democrat led Bath and North-East Somerset Council confirmed its plans to develop the Tufa Field as a sheltered housing site. Contracts have been let for the development phase,… Continue Reading →

Statement to Council

This is the statement made to Bath and North-East Somerset Council at the Special Council Meeting of 19th January 2023. ” I’d like to raise the question of urban green spaces and start by illustrating my point using the example… Continue Reading →

The Tufa Field, Christmas 2022

This year’s collection of Tufa Field pictures and video, for Christmas

Hey, Jude

Meet Jude.   It is August 2022. Jude is 8 weeks old. Already, he has witnessed the hottest day ever in the UK. A summer of extreme drought followed in the UK with hosepipe bans and warnings of a dry… Continue Reading →

Wildflowers at the Tufa Field

A collection of wild flower pictures from the Tufa Field. The full list of noted species is here.  

Summer in the Tufa Field

High summer is the time when plants and insects dominate the Tufa Field. Around the main Tufa flush, sedges and rushes dominate, with grasses adapted for damp conditions also flourishing. The wide expanses of undisturbed nettle beds  create ideal butterfly… Continue Reading →

Bird time

The Tufa Field continues to be an important food resource for our birds. This buzzard is a regular visitor. And for our smaller birds, a tasty caterpillar is always welcome. – A reminder that all things in the natural world… Continue Reading →

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