The Eastern end of the Tufa Field contains one of the last patches of Rough Pasture in Bath.

This special habitat contains long grasses and sedges that becomes host to many small mammals and insects.

Rough Pasture is increasingly rare, especially in an urban environment. The Tufa Field is home to Barn and Tawny Owls, and is a favourite feeding ground for Buzzards.

Field Voles are a primary food source for Barn Owls as well as Buzzards. They need rough pasture for nesting and cover and the Tufa Field is full of them!

Picture of a Field Vole nest

Field Vole entrance

Equally important is the insect life that forms part of the food chain, and contributes to the development and maintenance of rough pastures.

‘Emmet Tumps’, mounds of excavated soil created by ant colonies have a chance to grow and provide food for birds, badgers and small mammals. This one is about 40 cm high.


This rough pasture is vital to maintain the biodiversity in the area and must be kept.