The Tufa Field is home to many domestic bird species. The long grass is a vital food source for big raptors, such as Buzzards and Sparrowhawks, the scrub cover is needed for small ‘garden’ birds, especially during feather moult in late summer, and woodland birds such as Pheasant and Woodpeckers visit for feeding. At night, Tawny and Barn Owls can be heard hunting, and Nightjars calling. Corvid species include Blackbirds, Crows, Magpies and Jays in Winter.

For the small Garden Birds, it is worth remembering that while they may visit our gardens to feed, for many, nesting and roosting take place in hedgrows and vegetation we call ‘scrub’, with brambles and thorny growth being used as safe havens.

Picture of bird with caterpillar in beak

A Parliament of Magpies. Both houses!

There is a perching post in the field, here are some visitors.





If you are interested in identifying Birds, then we recommend the Merlin Birdsong identifier app from Cornell University. This is a free and no-strings app for Apple and Android phones.