The most recent available  expenditure record is  (Q2 2024)  Others will be added progressively

Transaction Date Amount Supplier Expense
11087158 2024-06-26 £2700.00 LAVAT CONSULTING LIMITED Consultants Fees
11087199 2024-06-26 £2681.78 MEDGEN HEALTHCARE RECRUITMENT Respite Care
11087335 2024-06-26 £2639.49 GOODALL BATES & TODD LTD T/A GB LUBRICANTS Contracts
11087236 2024-06-26 £2626.26 THORNBURY NURSING SERVICES Respite Care
81281027 2024-06-26 £2552.00 TIMSBURY CHILDCARE Fees
11087343 2024-06-26 £2550.00 FUTURA LEARNING PARTNERSHIP Transport & Travel
11087246 2024-06-26 £2400.00 RAPLEYS LLP External Fees
11087215 2024-06-26 £2258.97 MEDGEN HEALTHCARE RECRUITMENT Respite Care
11087396 2024-06-26 £2249.11 AEQUUS CONSTRUCTION LTD External Fees
11087256 2024-06-26 £2200.00 RAPLEYS LLP External Fees

How to use this table:

You can select the Quarter containing the expenditure items and search by dates. Click on a column header to sort the information by ascending or descending order for that column. Search for a particular supplier by starting to type the name then selecting from the drop-down list. Confirm with the Go button. N.B. clearing this box restores the default ‘all suppliers selected’.

N.B. The information here is taken verbatim from the BANES submissions, so if there are data entry errors, these will be shown too. To invite the Council to correct these errors, to request further information under Freedom Of Information, you should contact the Council directly, providing as much information as possible from these tables to help in their search.

Information is provided here under the Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information.

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