Proactis public contracts information sources (Also shows pending tenders)

BANES Contracts to March 2024

Awarded date Awarded value Title Description Lots Department Buyer Description of the geographical coverage Start date End date Review date Appraisal date Display until date Visibility Initial contract period (months) Total option to extend (months) Total contract period (months) Available No. of Ext. Available extension details Reference no Taken No. of Ext. Taken Extension details Suppliers Estimated value Estimated annual value VAT not recovered Primary contact Process used FTS Open to other organisations Participating organisations Central purchasing body Framework type Keywords Categories Custom fields (Field:Value) Public notes
01/01/2099 £12,280.00 Surfacing & Revetment Works, Public Footpath BA12/12, Freshford Surfacing a 100-metre section of public footpath with Type 1 stone with revetment, where necessary, along that section (including replacing any rotted/otherwise decaying revetment boards with new ones). 1 3.2.3 - Highways and Traffic Bath and North East Somerset Council 30/01/2024 31/03/2024 31/03/2024 31/03/2024 Public 2 N/A 2 DN701340 0 Company name: Springfield Road Surfacing Co. Ltd | Registration number: 4680990 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Paul Windmill | Postcode: BA3 2SH £9,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Tim Haynes RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 45233250-6 - Surfacing work except for roads
01/01/2099 £160,000.00 Riviam - Community Wellbeing Hub referral system Community Wellbeing Hub is a partnership between the Council, HCRG and voluntary partners. The Hub provides an infrastructure for partners to share safely personal data. The Riviam referral management system allows referrals and data to be shared safely between organisations and ensures that a person centre approach is offer to support people's needs. 1 2.1.1 - Communities Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2022 31/03/2024 01/01/2024 31/03/2025 Public 24 12 36 1 DN676580 0 Company name: Riviam Digital Care | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Lynsay Redwood | Postcode: BA2 3EG £160,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sara Dixon Other (Direct award via exemption) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
01/01/2099 £6,998.30 Surfacing repairs, BA13/20 Hinton Charterhouse In January 2022, extensive re-surfacing works were undertaken along a 230-metre section of Public Byway BA13/20. Trenches formed by running water were infilled with Type 2 concrete; less badly-affected areas were regraded and additional drainage measures were put in place, including the construction of a new soakaway. Since these works were carried out, this section of the byway has suffered further water damage. In particular, some of the new Type 2 concrete sections have not fully withstood the ongoing flow of water during periods of heavy rain, causing new trenches to start to form. These repair works will fill these new trenches with reinforced concrete which is expected to fully withstand further water damage. The drainage trench immediately above the new soakaway will also be cleared of accumulated debris and the rocks in the soakaway itself will be mixed by digger. 1 3.2.3 - Highways and Traffic Bath and North East Somerset Council 11/11/2023 31/03/2024 31/03/2024 31/03/2024 Public 4 N/A 4 DN693518 0 Company name: Saknel highways structures contractors | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kasek Talkowski | Postcode: Ba33dj £8,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Tim Haynes RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 45233250-6 - Surfacing work except for roads
22/12/2024 £170,700.00 Referral and Triage Management System Development work and ongoing Licence and Support Costs for Riviam Referral and Triage Management System Awarded through G Cloud 13 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/01/2024 31/03/2025 01/08/2024 31/03/2025 Public 15 N/A 15 DN704670 0 Company name: RIVIAM DIGITAL CARE LIMITED | Registration number: 4543806 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Paul Targett; James Burton | Postcode: BA2 3EG £170,700.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sara Dixon Other (GCloud 13 - Direct Award) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
19/03/2024 £400,223.32 Healthwatch Bath and North East Somerset & Coproduction 2024-2027 Healthwatch Bath and North East Somerset & Coproduction 2024-2027 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Specialist Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2024 31/03/2027 31/12/2026 31/03/2027 Public 36 12 48 1 DN695444 0 Company name: The Care Forum | Registration number: 3170666 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tenders Tenders; Morgan Daly; Kevin Peltonen-Messenger; Joanne Weselby | Postcode: BS16 2QQ £414,976.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mrs Victoria Critchley-Roper ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
18/03/2024 £23,171.00 Early Years 3A_20 Advertising Solutions Delivery of PR campaigns, including design, strategy and delivery 1 3.4.1 - Education and Safeguarding Bath and North East Somerset Council 10/01/2024 09/01/2025 09/12/2024 09/01/2025 Public 12 12 24 1 DN706047 0 Company name: Westco Trading LTD | Registration number: 6462674 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Christos Pishias; ian farrow; Christos Pishias | Postcode: SW1E 6QP Company name: Westco Trading LTD | Registration number: 6462674 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: ian farrow | Postcode: SW1E 6QP £25,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Julie Eden Other (Direct award via an external framework) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 98000000-3 - Other community, social and personal services
11/03/2024 £16,500.00 Marketing agent - 7-14 Milsom Marketing fees for 7-14 Milsom St 1 1.7 - Commercial Estates Bath and North East Somerset Council 05/04/2023 04/04/2026 04/10/2025 04/04/2026 Public 36 N/A 36 DN714923 0 Company name: Hartnell Taylor Cook LLP | Registration number: OC313211 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kate Flaherty; tender email; NHS tenders Tenders; Shaun Hall | Postcode: BS6 6SH £16,500.00 £5,500.00 £0.00 Ms Carolyn Smallwood RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 70300000-4 - Real estate agency services on a fee or contract basis
11/03/2024 £264,300.00 Short Breaks Targeted Holiday Provision Short Breaks Targeted Holiday Provision for children and young people aged 5 and over 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Specialist Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2024 31/03/2027 23/11/2026 31/03/2027 Public 36 24 60 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2027 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2028 | Comment: 1 x 12 months, Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2028 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2029 | Comment: 1 x 12 months DN715065 0 Company name: Bath Area Play Project | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Caroline Haworth | Postcode: BA2 2TL £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Armi Jones Other (Direct award following a failed procurement exercise.) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
08/03/2024 £1,429,686.00 Overnight Residential Short Breaks Residential Overnight Short Breaks for Disabled children and young people aged 8 to the child’s 18th Birthday and who live in the B&NES area. These breaks are open to children and young people assessed or known to social care. The majority of children using residential overnight short breaks are ‘disabled children’ with multiple impairments and complex needs, including health and behavioural, rather than children with what would be considered as life limiting conditions, such as cancer. Geographical Area to be covered by the service: Bath and North East Somerset wide and will be delivered at Beaumonds, Padleigh Hill, Bath, BA2 9DW. 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Specialist Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2024 31/03/2026 22/12/2025 31/03/2026 Public 24 12 36 1 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2026 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2027 | Comment: 1 x 12 months DN714831 0 Company name: Action for Children Services Ltd | Registration number: 2332388 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: adam nelmes; Adam Nelmes; adam nelmes | Postcode: NE1 8XS £1,429,686.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Dee Chaddha Other (Direct Award following failed procurement and publication of VEAT notice (2024/S 000-003223)) Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
05/03/2024 £97,260.00 Digital Traffic Regulation Order Software Cloud-based platform to manage Traffic Orders (TROs/TMOs). Developed to create efficiencies in the Traffic Order process. 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 27/03/2024 29/07/2027 01/02/2027 29/07/2027 Public 40 N/A 40 DN712086 0 Company name: Appyway | Registration number: 08584086 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Matt Terry | Postcode: WC2B4HN £97,260.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
29/02/2024 £646,500.00 Occupational Health Service and Employee Assistance Scheme Occupational health services for employees 1 2.2 - Organisational Development Bath and North East Somerset Council 27/03/2024 30/04/2027 30/04/2026 31/05/2027 Public 37 24 61 2 DN702317 0 Company name: Cordell Health Limited | Registration number: 07653515 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Clare Miller; Kathryn Smith | Postcode: PO6 3TH £845,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Jo Griffin RFQ Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85100000-0 - Health services
23/02/2024 £101,669.00 Keynsham Civic Centre LED Lights - Mini Competition from Electrical Framework - DN416339 Replace LED lights 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset Council 15/04/2024 31/05/2024 29/03/2024 31/05/2024 Public 2 N/A 2 DN707065 0 Company name: MFM Group | Registration number: 2878565 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Mathew Grimsby | Postcode: BS30 8XT £120,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Mike Philpott RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 45310000-3 - Electrical installation work
23/02/2024 £19,594.00 Feasibility Study - Mini Competition from the Architectural Framework DN707065 Feasibility Study 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset Council 28/02/2024 03/05/2024 28/02/2024 29/03/2024 Public 1 N/A 1 DN707068 0 Company name: BBA Architects | Registration number: 2679820 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Sally Hewins | Postcode: BA2 6NL £30,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Jennifer Raagas RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 71000000-8 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
09/02/2024 £80,741.09 Inspections of Footbridges To carry out visual inspections of circa. 60 footbridges to assess safety and propose next steps. Reports prepared for each structure. 1 4.6.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset Council 09/02/2024 30/11/2024 23/10/2024 31/01/2025 Public 10 N/A 10 DN710665 0 Company name: Perfect Circle JV Limited | Registration number: 10219126 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Nicola Thompson | Postcode: LE1 1HA £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Alisdair Neale RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 71322000-1 - Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works
07/02/2024 £12,568.00 Surfacing Works, Public Byway BA25/33. Wellow Surfacing an extremely muddy 46-metre section of byway with a base layer of 100mm stone and a top layer of Type 1 stone. 1 3.2.3 - Highways and Traffic Bath and North East Somerset Council 30/01/2024 31/03/2024 31/03/2024 31/03/2024 Public 2 N/A 2 DN705219 0 Company name: Saknel highways structures contractors | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kasek Talkowski | Postcode: Ba33dj £20,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Tim Haynes RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 45233250-6 - Surfacing work except for roads
06/02/2024 £350,000.00 Specialist Design Services Framework 2024 - 2028 This framework is specifically for specialist design work, skills and expertise for larger projects and campaigns that elevates the council’s aims, including promoting council objectives and realising future ambitions. It includes complex brand and design services across a range of multimedia, requiring leadership and consultative input, creative concept and brand identity development, plus additional services such as copywriting, out of home design, microsite development, digital animation, art direction, video edits and photography. 1 4.4 - Heritage Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 28/02/2024 28/02/2028 30/06/2027 29/02/2028 Public 48 N/A 48 DN693952 0 Company name: Agenda Design Associates | Registration number: 3616382 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Paul Davis | Postcode: SW18 1PP Company name: Bristol Design, Bristol City Council | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jack Smith | Postcode: BS1 5TR Company name: Drive Creative Studio | Registration number: 8635238 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Freya Dangerfield | Postcode: EX6 7XY Company name: SteersMcGillanEves Design Limited | Registration number: 7082147 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Christian Eves | Postcode: BA2 3FT Company name: Whistlejacket London | Registration number: 9021526 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Matty Tong; Richard Morris | Postcode: W1F 0PH £350,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Charlotte Somers ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework Design , Marketing Campaigns, Exhibitions 79340000-9 - Advertising and marketing services, 79341400-0 - Advertising campaign services, 79822500-7 - Graphic design services
02/02/2024 £13,000.00 Haycombe Crematorium Cremator replacement Feasibility Study Haycombe Crematorium Cremator replacement Feasibility Study 1 3.2.7 - Place Management Bath and North East Somerset Council 08/02/2024 31/03/2024 31/01/2024 31/03/2024 Public 2 N/A 2 DN705794 0 Company name: Rose Project Management Ltd | Registration number: 0447119SC | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Martin Street | Postcode: EH2 2DR £13,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Vincent Young RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 73000000-2 - Research and development services and related consultancy services, 79000000-4 - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security, 90000000-7 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
30/01/2024 £62,413.51 Fir Tree Cottage Wall Repair - Mini Competition from General Building Framework - DN505397 Wall repair 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/02/2024 30/05/2024 30/04/2024 30/05/2024 Public 4 N/A 4 DN701146 0 Company name: NKS Contracts Limited | Registration number: 3354173 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kim Clarke; Brendan Turner | Postcode: BS30 6DL £60,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Rebecca Hales RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 45000000-7 - Construction work
10/01/2024 £17,434.99 Westfield Primary School - Mini Competition from General Building Framework LOT 2 - DN 505397 Refurbishment Works to the Existing ICT Suite to form a SEND Speech and Language Resource Base (RB 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset Council 29/01/2024 28/03/2024 28/02/2024 28/03/2024 Public 2 N/A 2 DN696976 0 Company name: Mobius Works Ltd | Registration number: 10653495 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Adam Davies | Postcode: BS30 8FJ £40,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Jennifer Raagas RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 45000000-7 - Construction work
04/01/2024 £48,000.00 Provision of Public Health Funerals Provision of Public Health Funerals for Bath & North East Somerset Council 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/02/2024 01/02/2028 01/08/2027 01/02/2028 Public 48 12 60 1 DN700747 0 Company name: Clarkson's Independent Funeral Directors Ltd | Registration number: 08537077 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Sophie May | Postcode: BA1 3DF £48,000.00 £12,000.00 £0.00 Mr Vincent Young RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 98000000-3 - Other community, social and personal services
21/12/2023 £30,000.00 Air quality data management - Linking of Data Provision of AQDM under regulation 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 02/01/2024 31/12/2025 31/03/2024 31/03/2024 31/12/2024 Public 24 N/A 24 DN700314 0 Company name: Air Quality Data Management (AQDM) | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Geoff Broughton | Postcode: OX14 1XN £30,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Michelle Tett RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 72320000-4 - Database services, 72316000-3 - Data analysis services, 72313000-2 - Data capture services, 72317000-0 - Data storage services, 72322000-8 - Data management services, 72314000-9 - Data collection and collation services, 72319000-4 - Data supply services, 72312100-6 - Data preparation services, 90731100-1 - Air quality management
20/12/2023 £25,000.00 Provision of an Evaluation Framework Evaluation and monitoring for the Greenspaces Somer Valley Rediscovered Project 1 4.2 - Green Transformation Bath and North East Somerset Council 15/12/2023 30/11/2025 30/05/2025 30/11/2025 Public 24 N/A 24 DN699717 0 Company name: Economic Research Services Limited | Registration number: 2937576 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Keith Burge | Postcode: NE1 1LE £25,000.00 £12,500.00 £0.00 Ms Jess Taylor RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 79419000-4 - Evaluation consultancy services
20/12/2023 £90,425.00 CONSULTANCY SUPPORT - CHART OF ACCOUNTS DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTANCY SUPPORT - CHART OF ACCOUNTS DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 18/01/2024 18/10/2024 01/08/2024 18/10/2024 Public 9 12 21 1 DN704361 0 Company name: Moore Stephens Insight Limited | Registration number: 07909149 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Antonia Martin | Postcode: S1 2EX £90,425.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Lee Archer Other (GCLOUD 13) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 72000000-5 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
19/12/2023 £5,970.00 Tarmacking & Refurbishment of Steps, Public Footpath BC33/8, Southdown, Bath Tarmacking approximately 30 metres of footpath refurbishing a 20-metre long flight of concrete steps levelling a further 28-metre section & filling its holes with loose stone. 1 3.2.3 - Highways and Traffic Bath and North East Somerset Council 30/01/2024 31/03/2024 31/03/2024 31/03/2024 Public 2 N/A 2 DN699321 0 Company name: Saknel highways structures contractors | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kasek Talkowski | Postcode: Ba33dj £15,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Tim Haynes RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 45233250-6 - Surfacing work except for roads
18/12/2023 Not set Guildhall - Alkmaar Room Specialist Lighting repairs to historical building 1 4.6.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset Council 08/01/2024 29/03/2024 29/02/2024 29/03/2024 Public 2 N/A 2 DN704212 0 Company name: Dernier & Hamlyn Design Ltd. | Registration number: 1286949 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Philip Lazell | Postcode: KT9 2NY £4,670.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Jennifer Raagas RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 50000000-5 - Repair and maintenance services
11/12/2023 £13,800.00 The Forward Trust - Cloud House Inpatient detoxification & residential rehabilitation service 1 3.5 - Public Health and Prevention Bath and North East Somerset Council 24/12/2023 31/03/2024 01/03/2024 30/04/2024 Public 12 12 24 1 DN703087 0 Company name: The Forward Trust | Registration number: 2560474 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Sarah Roberts | Postcode: SE11 5DP £13,800.00 £13,800.00 £0.00 M Angela White Other (Direct award via exemption) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A public health 85100000-0 - Health services
08/12/2023 Not set Collections Management and Public Catalogue Solution for Bath Record Office: Archives and Local Studies Contract to supply collection management software including data migration, customisation and support. Software has a publicly accessible interface. 1 4.4.5 - Archives and Local Studies Bath and North East Somerset Council 02/01/2024 01/01/2025 01/07/2024 01/01/2025 Public 12 12 24 1 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 02/01/2025 | Estimated end date: 01/01/2026 | Comment: 12 month extension on same terms DN695864 0 Company name: System Simulation Ltd | Registration number: 0985613 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Richard Beales | Postcode: EC1R 0AT £24,000.00 £2,000.00 £0.00 Mr Richard Meunier RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A archives, library, catalogue, collections 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
07/12/2023 £87,240.00 Planned Maintenance - Mini Competition from Building Surveying Framework - DN526675 Surveys 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset Council 12/01/2024 01/04/2024 28/02/2024 01/04/2024 Public 4 N/A 4 DN697932 0 Company name: Rapleys LLP | Registration number: 0308311OC | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Helen Earwaker; Helen Kinsella | Postcode: SW1Y 6DN Company name: Rider levett Bucknall UK Ltd | Registration number: 4653580 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: RLB UK Bid Team; Caroline Harmer; Alec Frost | Postcode: B3 2BH Company name: The Fulker Consultancy Limited | Registration number: 4668055 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Helen Mason | Postcode: SE1 7SJ £100,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Jennifer Raagas RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 71315300-2 - Building surveying services
30/11/2023 £182,499.00 Contract hire of Four Fork Lift Trucks Contract hire of Four Fork Lift Trucks 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2024 31/03/2026 01/07/2024 31/10/2026 Public 24 N/A 24 DN675957 0 Company name: Dawsongroup Material Handling Limited | Registration number: 02652091 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Judith Beilby; Tim Abraham; Andrew Franklin | Postcode: LS25 2ET £173,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Martin Hellyer RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 42415110-2 - Forklift trucks
29/11/2023 £49,000.00 Asset Valuation 2023/24 Annual commercial asset valuations 1 1.7 - Commercial Estates Bath and North East Somerset Council 29/11/2023 28/11/2024 28/05/2024 28/11/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN715286 0 Company name: BNP Paribas Asset Management (BNPP AM) | Registration number: 2474627 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Georgina Wilton | Postcode: EC2V 7BP £49,000.00 £49,000.00 £0.00 Ms Carolyn Smallwood Other (Exemption to standard order contract) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 70000000-1 - Real estate services
21/11/2023 £7,258.00 Lorensbergs Netloan Licenses 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 12/12/2023 11/12/2026 01/06/2026 11/12/2026 Public 36 N/A 36 DN699242 0 Company name: Bytes Software Services | Registration number: 1616977 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Suzanne Ayres | Postcode: KT22 7TW £7,258.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 50312000-5 - Maintenance and repair of computer equipment
01/11/2023 £155,750.00 OnDemand Highways and streetworks annual support, licences and maintenance OnDemand cloud services 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/12/2023 30/11/2026 01/05/2026 30/11/2026 Public 36 N/A 36 DN711327 0 Company name: Brightly Software Ltd | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Daniel Mills; Matt Kelley; Nick Vague; UK Marketing; Martin Green; Cherryanne Cooper; Stephen Harris | Postcode: ME4 4YG £155,750.00 £51,916.80 £0.00 Mr Craig Jackson Other (Exemption Direct Award) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
01/11/2023 £300,000.00 Award of Energy Fully Managed Service Contract to West Mercia Energy Award of Fully Managed Service Contract to WME 1 4.6.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 16/11/2023 31/03/2029 31/10/2024 31/10/2024 31/03/2029 Public 64 24 88 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2027 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2028 | Comment: Extension Option 1, Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2028 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2029 | Comment: Extension Option 2 DN699286 0 Company name: West Mercia Energy | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Gavin Owen | Postcode: SY2 5DE £300,000.00 £60,000.00 £0.00 Mrs Cheryl Hansford RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71314200-4 - Energy-management services Procurement was led by North Somerset Council under Reference number: DN336619
01/11/2023 £50,000.00 B&NES Topo Survey Framework 2023 - 2027 Provision of topographical surveys 1 3.2.3 - Highways and Traffic Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/11/2023 31/10/2027 30/07/2027 31/10/2027 Public 48 N/A 48 DN678644 0 Company name: Corner Point Surveys Ltd | Registration number: 12074757 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Joseph Willcox | Postcode: CF15 7NE Company name: Dando Surveying Ltd | Registration number: 5095514 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Mary Shipton; Bridget Martin | Postcode: GL12 8ES Company name: LandScope Engineering Ltd | Registration number: 5178492 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Ashleigh Bardoe | Postcode: SY6 6NT Company name: Lewis Brown Chartered Land Surveyors | Registration number: 4193534 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Robert Brown | Postcode: TA21 9JQ Company name: Mantra services Limited | Registration number: 6764290 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Andrew Botterill; Andrew Botterill | Postcode: NN6 8DU Company name: Marshall Survey Associated Ltd | Registration number: 3505409 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Carmen Cheung | Postcode: KT9 1RH Company name: Midland Survey Ltd | Registration number: 02593046 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: David Johnson | Postcode: CV47 0JH Company name: MJ Rees & Company Ltd | Registration number: 1481128 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Sarah Hurley | Postcode: BS16 1GW Company name: MK Surveys | Registration number: 4674301 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Tim Salmon | Postcode: M11 3HE Company name: Orica BQS | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Darren O Reilly | Postcode: BT28 2SR Company name: RSK Environment Ltd | Registration number: 115530 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Notifications Team; Notifications Team | Postcode: WA6 0AR Company name: Survey Operations Ltd | Registration number: 2614668 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Ian Smith | Postcode: WN8 8LN Company name: Surveybase Limited | Registration number: 3505887 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jane Spencer; David Ascott; Emily Partridge | Postcode: BA3 4ET Company name: Warner Land Surveys Ltd | Registration number: 2945461 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Clifton Webb | Postcode: RG7 4GB £50,000.00 £12,000.00 £0.00 Mr Shane Charles RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 71351810-4 - Topographical services
31/10/2023 £184,000.00 Laptop Purchase for HCRG Purchase of Laptops for HCRG Insourcing 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 03/11/2023 18/10/2024 01/09/2024 18/10/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN695493 0 Company name: Softcat plc | Registration number: 02174990 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Charles Harrison | Postcode: SL7 1LW £184,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 30200000-1 - Computer equipment and supplies
31/10/2023 £29,530.00 Modern Gov Support and Restricted App Modern.Gov Annual Support Modern.Gov Restricted App Contract includes option to move to cloud if required. 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/11/2023 31/10/2025 01/04/2025 31/10/2025 Public 24 N/A 24 DN696422 0 Company name: Civica UK Limited | Registration number: 01628868 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Nick Jackson | Postcode: SE1 9LQ £29,530.00 £14,765.00 £0.00 Miss Emma Turner Other (VAS Framework RM6259) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems, 72000000-5 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
23/10/2023 £64,707.30 Network Equipment Network Equipment - Extreme 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/11/2023 31/10/2024 01/06/2024 31/10/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN695976 0 Company name: Maintel Europe Ltd | Registration number: 2665837 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Michelle Bennetts | Postcode: SE1 8EZ £64,707.30 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt Other (Framework Direct award after RFI issued. RM6116) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 32400000-7 - Networks
23/10/2023 £84,446.16 Design, delivery, installation and ongoing maintenance of AV equipment in the Council Chamber, Guildhall Bath A single provider Contract for the provision of the design, delivery, installation and ongoing maintenance of AV equipment in the Council Chamber, Guildhall Bath. 1 1.5.7 - Corporate Governance and Business Insight Bath and North East Somerset Council 23/10/2023 22/10/2026 23/04/2026 23/11/2026 Public 36 24 60 1 DN685089 0 Company name: Public-i Group Ltd | Registration number: 3998680 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Robert Saunders | Postcode: BN3 1DD £100,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Ian Reynolds ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 32321200-1 - Audio-visual equipment
20/10/2023 £24,000.00 Dell Laptops for Jaama rollout Dell Laptops for Jaama rollout 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 22/11/2023 01/04/2024 01/12/2024 01/04/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN695699 0 Company name: Bechtle Direct Ltd | Registration number: 03283032 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Anina Johnson | Postcode: SN14 0GF £24,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 30000000-9 - Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages
16/10/2023 £100,000.00 B&NES Transport Action Plan Provision of Bath TAP Consultancy Services 1 4.7 - Sustainable Communities Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 23/10/2023 31/03/2024 31/01/2024 31/01/2024 30/09/2024 Public 5 N/A 5 DN678694 0 Company name: Steer Davies Gleave | Registration number: 1883830 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Megan Hodgkinson; Maureen Ellis | Postcode: SE1 0RB £100,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Nik Bowyer RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71311000-1 - Civil engineering consultancy services
10/10/2023 £5,000,000.00 Care and Support at Hygge Park and Sulis Down Support services for two new Supported Living developments, one at Hygge Park in Keynsham, and one at Sulis Down in Bath. Each development will house 5 individuals with a learning disability and/or Autism in 5 individual flats, with space for 24 hour support and a communal area for people to gather. The schemes will support people with their daily needs and work with them to help develop their independent living skills. 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Specialist Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 22/01/2024 21/01/2028 01/07/2027 21/01/2028 Public 48 36 84 1 DN673972 0 Company name: Affinity Trust | Registration number: 06893564 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Karen Kynaston; Yvonne Heald; Paul Taylor | Postcode: OX9 3WT £5,000,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mrs Victoria Critchley-Roper ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
06/10/2023 £1,500.00 Footfall Counting System for World Heritage Centre Footfall Counting System for World Heritage Centre 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 18/10/2023 04/10/2025 01/07/2025 04/10/2025 Public 24 12 36 1 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 05/10/2025 | Estimated end date: 04/10/2026 | Comment: Available extension DN693166 0 Company name: Axiomatic Technology Ltd | Registration number: 2955555 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Sylvia Hull | Postcode: NG16 2NE £1,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 32234000-2 - Closed-circuit television cameras
03/10/2023 £1,600,000.00 Artic Haulage Services Artic Haulage Services for the bulk transport of residual and garden waste from the Councils waste transfer station to end destination sites for onward processing. 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/11/2023 31/10/2025 01/04/2023 31/10/2025 Public 24 36 60 36 Period: 36 months | Estimated start date: 01/11/2025 | Estimated end date: 31/10/2028 | Comment: Available in incremental 12 month offer periods DN669820 0 Company name: Smiths (Gloucester) Ltd | Registration number: 4004654 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: James Godwin; Nick Grove; Neil Robbins | Postcode: GL10 3AQ £1,600,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Lisa Gore ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Haulage, Articulated Vehicles, Waste 90511000-2 - Refuse collection services, 90512000-9 - Refuse transport services, 34144511-3 - Refuse-collection vehicles, 34144512-0 - Refuse-compaction vehicles, 34144500-3 - Vehicles for refuse and sewage
02/10/2023 £168,000.00 Collection and Disposal of Hazardous Waste Collection and Disposal of Hazardous Waste 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 01/10/2023 30/09/2025 30/09/2024 30/09/2024 30/09/2025 Public 24 N/A 24 DN671735 0 Company name: Tradebe | Registration number: 0171493 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jay Bains | Postcode: NP19 4RD Company name: TRADEBE NORTH WEST LIMITED | Registration number: 4423011 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jay Bains; Adrian Wallen | Postcode: CH5 2QE £168,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Patricia Okowa ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 90510000-5 - Refuse disposal and treatment, 90523000-9 - Toxic waste disposal services except radioactive waste and contaminated soil
26/09/2023 £48,370.00 Treasury Advice Treasury Management Consultancy to Bath and North East Somerset 1 1.3.2 - Corporate Finance Bath and North East Somerset Council 13/09/2023 30/09/2026 01/03/2026 30/09/2026 Public 36 24 60 1 Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 01/10/2026 | Estimated end date: 30/09/2027 | Comment: Additional 2 years of treasury management consultancy. DN680787 0 Company name: Arlingclose Ltd | Registration number: 2853836 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Greg Readings; David Blake; Greg Readings | Postcode: EC3R 7AE £75,000.00 £16,123.00 £0.00 Ms Claire Read ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 66000000-0 - Financial and insurance services
24/09/2023 £39,000.00 Practical Volunteering with Skills Development Practical Volunteering with Skills Development 1 4.6.5 - Bath Enterprise Zone Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 02/10/2023 30/11/2025 31/03/2025 31/03/2025 30/11/2025 Public 26 N/A 26 DN681663 0 Company name: The Conservation Volunteers | Registration number: 0976410 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tim Hills | Postcode: DN4 8DB £39,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Miriam Woolnough RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 80000000-4 - Education and training services, 98000000-3 - Other community, social and personal services
21/09/2023 £313,416.00 Civils & Landscaping Works at Bath Quays North Riverside Landscaping Works BQN 1 4.6.1 - Regeneration Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 11/09/2023 31/03/2024 30/11/2023 30/11/2023 31/03/2024 Public 7 N/A 7 DN673162 0 Company name: Suttle Projects Ltd | Registration number: 06734695 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Alistair Maidman | Postcode: BH19 3LE £200,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Jeff Owen ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 45112700-2 - Landscaping work, 45112710-5 - Landscaping work for green areas
18/09/2023 £17,000.00 Bath Car Club Consultancy Support *CoMoUK - Exemption Support for Car Club as priority 1 3.2.7 - Place Management Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 28/09/2023 31/03/2024 31/10/2023 31/10/2023 31/03/2024 Public 6 N/A 6 DN690069 0 Company name: CoMoUK | Registration number: 04429814 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Antonia Roberts | Postcode: LS1 4AP £18,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Andrew Brentley Other (Exemption as Industry specialist / leader) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71311200-3 - Transport systems consultancy services
18/09/2023 £348,252.50 Roof and learning space works at Victoria Art Gallery - General Building Lot 2 - DN 505397 Roof repairs 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council 23/10/2023 01/04/2024 29/02/2024 01/04/2024 Public 5 N/A 5 DN680888 0 Company name: 21st Century Building Services Ltd | Registration number: 4002614 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Jerry Dix; Ashley Russell | Postcode: BS3 5BQ £250,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Jessica Turner RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 45000000-7 - Construction work
15/09/2023 £22,000.00 Provision of Heritage Services (Roman Baths, Fashion Museum, Victoria Art Gallery, Bath’s Historic Venues) PPC Agency A Contract for the provision of PPC advertising for its Heritage Services requirements; this includes PPC advertising of the Roman Baths, Fashion Museum, Victoria Art Gallery and Bath’s Historic Venues. 1 4.4 - Heritage Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 18/09/2023 30/09/2024 01/09/2024 30/09/2024 Public 12 1 13 6 DN681721 0 Company name: Navigate Agency | Registration number: 05595352 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Olly Reed | Postcode: BS1 1HT £14,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Amy Hulyer RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 79341200-8 - Advertising management services
15/09/2023 £235,000.00 Microsoft Azure Migration & managed service Migration of Council on-prem servers with managed support 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 28/09/2023 31/03/2025 01/12/2024 01/01/2025 31/03/2025 Public 18 12 30 1 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2025 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2026 | Comment: 1 Extension Available DN687592 0 Company name: Cloud Direct | Registration number: 04631034 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Daniel Robbins; Liam Ryan; Alex Bacon; Josh Hutchison | Postcode: BA1 1BT £235,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48820000-2 - Servers
05/09/2023 £22,000.00 Bath Christmas Tree 2023-2025 Delivery and erection of Bath City Centre Christmas Tree 1 3.2.7 - Place Management Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath City Centre 05/09/2023 31/01/2026 30/11/2023 30/11/2023 31/01/2026 Public 29 N/A 29 DN673460 0 Company name: Fine Pines | Registration number: 11441817 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Nick Durnford | Postcode: SN16 9LQ £30,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Andrew Brentley RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 31522000-1 - Christmas tree lights, 39298910-9 - Christmas tree
05/09/2023 £500,000.00 Emissions Based P&D Charges and P&D machine replacement (ESPO DA ) Provision of replacement machines for emissions charges 1 3.2.1 - Parking Services Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 11/09/2023 10/08/2025 01/03/2024 01/03/2024 31/03/2024 Public 23 12 35 1 DN687411 0 Company name: Metric Group | Registration number: 2560839 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Louise Fothergill | Postcode: SN5 7AD £500,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Andy Dunn Other (ESPO Framework DA LOT 1 - Parking Services) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 38730000-1 - Parking meters, 98351110-2 - Parking enforcement services
01/09/2023 £168,000.00 Annual call off of recycling containers- ESPO framework Call off of recycling containers -Green boxes, food caddies etc. 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 01/09/2023 02/09/2024 01/03/2024 01/03/2024 02/09/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN687334 0 Company name: Straight plc | Registration number: 2923140 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Ross Schofield | Postcode: LS1 4BN Company name: Straight plc | Registration number: 2923140 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Ross Schofield; Jon Smith | Postcode: LS1 4BN Company name: Weir & Carmichael Ltd | Registration number: 0551299 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Julia Pemberton; Julia Pemberton | Postcode: L3 7DB £168,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Patricia Okowa Other (Direct Award through ESPO Waste Services framework) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 90000000-7 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
31/08/2023 £764,420.00 Primary Alternative Education Provision Delivery of Primary Alternative Education Provision - alternative education provision for pupils who are permanently excluded, or at risk of being so because of their behaviour, social and emotional needs. 1 - Education Commissioning Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/09/2023 31/08/2025 03/01/2025 31/08/2025 Public 24 N/A 24 DN676581 0 Company name: Cabot Learning Federation | Registration number: 06207590 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: N/A | Postcode: BS15 4JT £764,420.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Olwyn Donnelly Other (Direct award, reg 32. VEAT notice published - 2023/S 000-018753) Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 80000000-4 - Education and training services
25/08/2023 £3,777,323.69 St Keyna Primary School Expansion - Mini Competition from General Building Framework Lot 2 - DN 505397 School Expansion 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset Council 28/09/2023 20/08/2025 18/08/2025 20/08/2025 Public 24 N/A 24 DN672760 0 Company name: H Mealing & Sons Ltd | Registration number: 1550571 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Neil Pritchard | Postcode: BA1 7ES £3,500,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Miss Vanessa Dale RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 45000000-7 - Construction work
24/08/2023 £500,000.00 Link: IT Solutions 2 - COTS Agreement (Framework SBS/19/AB/WAB/9411) IT Solutions 2 - COTS Agreement (Framework SBS/19/AB/WAB/9411) Purchases of off the shelf software Extended scope including but not limited to: Storage Datacentre Cloud Networking IT Asset Management End User Computing Hardware SaaS Also optional partner Alliance Programme 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 28/08/2023 31/07/2024 01/03/2024 31/07/2024 Public 11 36 47 1 Period: 36 months | Estimated start date: 01/08/2024 | Estimated end date: 31/07/2027 | Comment: optional extension to be taken DN684799 0 Company name: Softcat plc | Registration number: 02174990 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Charles Harrison | Postcode: SL7 1LW £500,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Miss Emma Turner Other (Joined existing COTS agreement) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
15/08/2023 £6,265.00 Energy Manager Software Energy Manager Software SaaS 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/07/2023 30/06/2024 01/03/2024 30/06/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN685066 0 Company name: SystemsLink 2000 Ltd | Registration number: 3168771 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Laura Eyles; Jack Chandler | Postcode: MK45 1BG £6,265.00 £6,265.00 £0.00 Miss Emma Turner Other (DA - exemption) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 72000000-5 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
11/08/2023 £13,890.00 Clearswift Clearswift Secure Email Gateway 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 27/08/2023 26/08/2024 01/06/2024 26/08/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN679240 0 Company name: Softcat plc | Registration number: 02174990 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Charles Harrison | Postcode: SL7 1LW £14,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 30200000-1 - Computer equipment and supplies
01/08/2023 £53,000.00 Bath Circulation Plan -WECA PSF Provision of BCP OAR - OBC 1 4.7 - Sustainable Communities Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 28/07/2023 31/12/2024 30/09/2023 30/09/2023 31/12/2024 Public 4 N/A 4 DN673678 0 Company name: Atkins Limited | Registration number: 1885586 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Claire Houldsworth | Postcode: TS17 6BJ Company name: AtkinsRéalis Limited | Registration number: 688424 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Claire Houldsworth; Claire Houldsworth; Laura Alway; Matt Orme | Postcode: KT18 5BW £55,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Nik Bowyer Other (WECA PSF Award through competition NEC4 PSSC) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71311000-1 - Civil engineering consultancy services
31/07/2023 £9,000.00 Palo Alto Credit for Virtual Firewalls Palo Alto Credit for Virtual Firewalls 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/08/2023 31/07/2024 01/04/2024 31/07/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN679741 0 Company name: Maintel Europe Ltd | Registration number: 2665837 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Michelle Bennetts | Postcode: SE1 8EZ £9,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 30200000-1 - Computer equipment and supplies
27/07/2023 £1,428,000.00 Secondary Alternative Education Provision Delivery of Secondary Alternative Education Provision - alternative education provision for pupils who are permanently excluded, or at risk of being so because of their behaviour, social and emotional needs. 1 - Education Commissioning Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/09/2023 31/08/2025 03/01/2025 31/08/2025 Public 24 N/A 24 DN676589 0 Company name: Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership | Registration number: N/A | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Mr Alun Williams | Postcode: BA3 2UD £1,428,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Olwyn Donnelly Other (Direct award, reg 32. VEAT notice published - 2023/S 000-018752) Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 80000000-4 - Education and training services
27/07/2023 £117,025.00 Applicant Tracking Cloud Software Services Applicant Tracking Cloud Software Services 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 14/08/2023 01/12/2026 01/06/2026 01/12/2026 Public 39 12 51 1 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/12/2026 | Estimated end date: 01/12/2027 | Comment: optional 12 month extension DN681129 0 Company name: JobTrain Ltd | Registration number: 5032849 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Alica Melvin | Postcode: WA14 1EZ £117,025.00 £25,245.00 £0.00 Ms Jo Griffin Other (Direct Award G Cloud 13) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
27/07/2023 £51,570.00 Reception Kiosk - Support and Maintenance Reception Kiosk - Support and Maintenance 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 03/06/2023 02/06/2026 01/02/2026 02/06/2026 Public 36 12 48 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 03/06/2026 | Estimated end date: 02/06/2027 | Comment: first extension available, Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 03/06/2027 | Estimated end date: 02/07/2027 | Comment: final extension available DN677940 0 Company name: Vpod Solutions (UK) Ltd | Registration number: GB3344115340 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Jamie Watson | Postcode: EC1N 7RJ £51,570.00 £0.00 £0.00 Miss Emma Turner Other (Direct Award) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 72000000-5 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
24/07/2023 £5,523.00 Foster Carer Payments System Foster Carer Payments System 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 08/08/2023 07/08/2024 01/01/2024 07/08/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN679241 0 Company name: Softbox Limited | Registration number: 2559880 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Jan Teh | Postcode: BL9 5BT £5,523.00 £0.00 £0.00 Miss Emma Turner Other (Exemption to Direct Award) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
19/07/2023 £50,000.00 Re-Fashioning Bath Consultant Consultancy services in support of the development of the project for the Fashion Museum within the Old Post Office in Bath. Services to include: ? Brief Development ? Business Case ? Stakeholder analysis ? Key social, economic and environmental assessment ? Sustainability advice incl. strategy ? Project Management e.g. development of project costs, risk register, programme ? Procurement of Consultant Team 1 4.4 - Heritage Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/08/2023 31/10/2024 30/04/2024 31/10/2024 Public 15 24 39 1 DN682061 0 Company name: FOCUS CONSULTANTS | Registration number: OC357628 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Sonja Greenhow | Postcode: NG8 6AS £50,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sophie McKinlay RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71310000-4 - Consultative engineering and construction services
18/07/2023 £57,000.00 PlotBox Cemetery and Crematorium Software PlotBox Cemetery and Crematorium Software 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 27/07/2023 15/08/2026 15/02/2026 15/08/2026 Public 37 12 49 1 DN679932 0 Company name: PlotBox | Registration number: NI606324 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Niall Adams | Postcode: BT43 7QA £57,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 72211000-7 - Programming services of systems and user software
03/07/2023 £125,000.00 Bath City Centre Security - Electronic Security Systems LOT 3 Provision of bollards security service and access. 1 4.3.1 - Transport Development and Policy Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 05/05/2023 31/03/2027 31/12/2023 31/12/2023 31/03/2027 Public 47 2 49 2 DN661278 0 Company name: OPENVIEW SECURITY SOLUTIONS LIMITED | Registration number: 03376202 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: JENNIFER KELLEY | Postcode: RM7 7PJ £125,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Shane Charles RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 45222300-2 - Engineering work for security installations
01/07/2023 £60,000.00 Annual call off of Green Garden Waste Wheelie bins (140L& 240L) Annual call off of Green Garden Waste Wheelie bins (140L& 240L) 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 01/07/2023 30/06/2024 01/12/2023 01/12/2023 31/07/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN675590 0 Company name: Craemer UK Limited | Registration number: 2574815 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Alison Horton | Postcode: TF1 7GN Company name: Craemer UK Limited | Registration number: 2574815 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Keegan Smith | Postcode: TF1 7GN £60,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Patricia Okowa RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework Wheelie bins 90000000-7 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
28/06/2023 £22,680.00 One.Network Traffic Insight Suite One.Network Traffic Insight Suite Platform 274391973804522 - G CLoud 13 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/07/2023 30/06/2024 01/03/2024 30/06/2024 Public 12 12 24 1 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/07/2024 | Estimated end date: 30/06/2025 | Comment: 12 month optional extension DN681628 0 Company name: Roadworks Information Ltd T/A One.Network | Registration number: 07589848 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Nick Gardiner | Postcode: EC4A 4EN £22,680.00 £0.00 £0.00 Miss Emma Turner Other (G Cloud 13) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 30200000-1 - Computer equipment and supplies
20/06/2023 £40,000.00 Annual call off of refuse containers Provision of Wheelie Bins and Sacks - Call off from ESPO 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 20/06/2023 19/06/2024 01/12/2023 01/12/2023 06/05/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN667770 0 Company name: ESE World Ltd | Registration number: 2327763 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Kirsten Guest; Kirsten Guest; Kirsten Guest; Sarah Duffy | Postcode: LE67 1GH Company name: IPL Plastics (UK) Ltd | Registration number: 6094735 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jon Smith | Postcode: S61 4RJ Company name: MGB Plastics | Registration number: 6094735 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Ross Schofield; rachel druce | Postcode: S61 4RJ Company name: Sackmaker/J & HM Dickson Ltd | Registration number: 0028536SC | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Louise Thomson | Postcode: G73 1RW £40,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Patricia Okowa RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 90000000-7 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
14/06/2023 £30,600.00 SEND Service Design Consultancy SEND Service Design Consultancy Call Off Contract ref RM1557.13 G Cloud Framework 1 3.1.1 - Business Change Hub Bath and North East Somerset Council 19/06/2023 19/06/2024 19/03/2023 19/06/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN674605 0 Company name: Product Panda | Registration number: 08823879 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Alastair Lee | Postcode: ba2 4qy £30,600.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Jonathan Cordier Other (Call Off from RM1557.13 G Cloud Framework) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 72000000-5 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
13/06/2023 £14,250.00 Somervale School - Structural Engineering Services - Mini Competition from Framework - DN 545177 Structural Engineering Services 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset Council 19/06/2023 30/06/2026 26/06/2023 30/06/2026 Public 36 N/A 36 DN667901 0 Company name: BDP | Registration number: 2207415 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Julie Hawkins; Alice Crewdson | Postcode: EC1V 4LJ £25,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Jennifer Raagas RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 71312000-8 - Structural engineering consultancy services
13/06/2023 £20,900.00 Somervale School - MEP Consultancy Service - Mini Competition from framework DN530521 M&E Consultant Services 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset 19/06/2023 30/06/2026 28/06/2023 30/06/2026 Public 36 N/A 36 DN667898 0 Company name: Ingleton Wood LLP | Registration number: OC306572 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Jane Barrow | Postcode: E1 8DE £35,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Jennifer Raagas RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 71300000-1 - Engineering services
07/06/2023 £32,333.26 VMWare Licence, Support & Maintenance VMWare Licence, Support & Maintenance 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 23/06/2023 22/06/2024 01/04/2024 22/06/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN668695 0 Company name: Specialist Computer Centres | Registration number: 01428210 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Sales Framework | Postcode: B11 2LE £35,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
06/06/2023 £15,000.00 Waste Management Software Licence - Arepo Inkara Provision of Waste Management Software 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 05/06/2023 30/04/2025 06/06/2023 31/03/2024 30/04/2025 Public 23 N/A 23 DN671381 0 Company name: Arepo Inkara | Registration number: 20042411 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Arepo Inkara | Postcode: Se11 5JH £15,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Andrew Brentley Other (Direct Award Exemption) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48218000-9 - License management software package
05/06/2023 £36,474.00 Resource Facility - Somervale School Midsomer Norton - Mini Competition via Architectural Framework Lot 2 - DN430695 Architectural Services 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset 12/06/2023 30/06/2025 20/06/2023 30/06/2025 Public 25 N/A 25 DN667343 0 Company name: BBA Architects | Registration number: 2679820 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Sally Hewins | Postcode: BA2 6NL £55,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Jennifer Raagas RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 71200000-0 - Architectural and related services
01/06/2023 £200,000.00 BWR LEGAL ADVICE PHASE 2 Provision of Legal Advice to the BWR project - Phase 2 - KCS framework 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 04/07/2023 31/05/2030 31/03/2024 31/03/2024 31/05/2030 Public 83 48 131 2 Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 03/07/2026 | Estimated end date: 03/07/2028 | Comment: Extension option 1, Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 03/07/2028 | Estimated end date: 03/07/2030 | Comment: Extension option 2 DN669322 0 Company name: Bevan Brittan LLP | Registration number: OC309219 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Vicky Hodgson | Postcode: BS2 0HQ £250,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Kim Moubray RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 79100000-5 - Legal services
29/05/2023 £272,000.00 NFC156 Mobile Voice and Data Services NFC156 Mobile Voice and Data Services Awarded via CCS Aggregation 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/06/2023 31/05/2025 01/02/2025 31/05/2025 Public 24 12 36 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/06/2025 | Estimated end date: 31/07/2026 | Comment: first extension available, Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/06/2026 | Estimated end date: 31/07/2027 | Comment: final extension available DN683236 0 Company name: British Telecommunications PLC | Registration number: 01800000 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Geoff Masters | Postcode: E1 8EE £272,000.00 £68,000.00 £0.00 Miss Emma Turner Other (CCS run aggregation NFC156) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 64212000-5 - Mobile-telephone services
24/05/2023 £437,000.00 Windsor Road Pipe Bridge Demolition Works 2023 demolition of bridge 1 4.6.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 08/03/2023 31/12/2024 31/08/2023 31/08/2023 31/12/2024 Public 22 N/A 22 DN651492 0 Company name: Pennys Group | Registration number: 1195918 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Lisa Marke; Damien Pick; Stuart Cload; Leah Selway | Postcode: BA3 4BY £500,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Jeff Owen ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A demolition, bridge 45111100-9 - Demolition work, 45221100-3 - Construction work for bridges, 45221110-6 - Bridge construction work, 45221118-2 - Pipeline-carrying bridge construction work
23/05/2023 £11,296.02 Adobe License Renewal 23/24 Adobe License Renewal 23/24 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 18/07/2023 17/07/2024 01/05/2024 17/07/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN671464 0 Company name: Bechtle Direct Ltd | Registration number: 03283032 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Anina Johnson | Postcode: SN14 0GF £11,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Zak Waters Other (3 Quote Process) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
23/05/2023 £45,000.00 HTST Consultancy (TAS Consultants Exemption) Provision of HTST consultancy for DPS 2024 1 4.3.1 - Transport Development and Policy Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 02/06/2023 31/05/2024 31/08/2023 31/08/2023 31/05/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN671009 0 Company name: The TAS Partnership Limited | Registration number: 02929880 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: John Porter | Postcode: PR1 3NU Company name: The TAS Partnership Limited | Registration number: 02929880 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: John Taylor | Postcode: PR1 3NU £45,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Steve Doel Other (Exemption) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71311200-3 - Transport systems consultancy services
22/05/2023 £200,000.00 Print Framework (2023 - 2027) Adhoc printing requirements 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset 01/06/2023 30/06/2027 30/10/2026 01/08/2027 Public 48 N/A 48 DN654235 0 Company name: Colour Connection | Registration number: 7419970 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Richard Currie; Richard Currie | Postcode: GL2 8LZ Company name: Latcham Direct Ltd | Registration number: 6695717 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Mark Skirton; Christian Cusworth; Charlton Wilson | Postcode: BS14 0AF Company name: Lexon Group | Registration number: 2118784(Partnerships) | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Garth Davis; Dominic Hartley | Postcode: NP11 3AA Company name: Whitehall Printing Co (Avon) Limited | Registration number: 1293301 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Joe Bendon | Postcode: BS5 0BW £200,000.00 £50,000.00 £0.00 Mrs Alison Thomas ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 22000000-0 - Printed matter and related products
15/05/2023 £5,588.00 Globalscape 12 months support & maintenance 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/08/2023 31/07/2024 01/05/2024 31/07/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN670104 0 Company name: Handd Business Solutions | Registration number: 05964965 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Nick Wilkins | Postcode: RG1 7EB £5,588.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
15/05/2023 £54,000.00 PTX Bacs Subscription Service PTX Bacs Subscription Service 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 13/10/2023 12/10/2026 01/04/2026 12/10/2026 Public 36 24 60 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 13/10/2026 | Estimated end date: 12/10/2027 | Comment: 1st Extension, Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 13/10/2027 | Estimated end date: 12/10/2028 | Comment: 2nd Extension DN668577 0 Company name: Bottomline Technologies UK | Registration number: 8098450 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Gavin Scott; Kenny McHardy; James Goble; David Manning; Lisa Lewis | Postcode: RG7 4SA Company name: Bottomline Technologies UK | Registration number: 8098450 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Gavin Scott; Kenny McHardy; James Richardson; Quentin West; Will Gould; Kyle Smith; James Goble; David Manning | Postcode: RG7 4SA Company name: Bottomline Technologies UK | Registration number: 8098450 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Will Gould; Kyle Smith; James Goble; Daniel Armitage; David Manning | Postcode: RG7 4SA £54,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
11/05/2023 £7,000.00 Managednow Change Authorisation Managednow Change Authorisation 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 11/05/2023 31/05/2024 01/04/2024 31/05/2024 Public 13 N/A 13 DN669812 0 Company name: Crossfuze | Registration number: 10823578 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Oliver Novak | Postcode: W1S 4AP £7,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 72000000-5 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
10/05/2023 £6,047.16 Foxit Licences 23/24 Renewal of Council Foxit Licences - 276 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 10/05/2023 09/05/2024 01/03/2024 09/05/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN669458 0 Company name: Bechtle Direct Ltd | Registration number: 03283032 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Anina Johnson | Postcode: SN14 0GF £6,047.16 £6,047.16 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
05/05/2023 £785,000.00 Short Term Services Block Contract Block contract of 600 hours to support reablement and urgent services in B&NES 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Community and Health Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 15/05/2023 14/05/2024 01/01/2024 14/05/2024 Public 12 11 23 1 Period: 11 months | Estimated start date: 15/05/2024 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2025 | Comment: Extension until EOFY DN661945 0 Company name: Better Home Care Services Limited | Registration number: 11412688 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jon Sharpin; Lindsay Brier; Tracy Crane; Rachael Crook | Postcode: E1 6PJ Company name: Retain Healthcare Limited | Registration number: 11572722 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: David Trowbridge; Emma Curtis; Geoff Vale | Postcode: GL50 1HR £785,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Tom Jarvis Other (Call-Off from DN442975) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
05/05/2023 Not set Spend with Alternative Provision Providers for CYP with SEND Spend with Alternative Provision Providers for CYP with SEND This spend is with unregistered AP providers who have been selected by parents/carers to meet the individual CYP's needs In some cases the provision has been court mandated Various providers - see attached list 1 - Education Commissioning Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 31/01/2024 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN669190 0 Company name: Teaching Personnel | Registration number: 3225158 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Scott Kelly; Gemma Clark; Christie Meagher; Zoe Dyson; Ben Gallier; Nadine Nelson; Joacob Leach; Lewis Laity | Postcode: AL7 1TW £1,000,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mrs Cheryl Hansford Other (This spend is with unregistered AP providers who have been selected by parents/carers to meet the individual CYP's needs In some cases the provision has been court mandated) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 80000000-4 - Education and training services
05/05/2023 Not set Spend with Independent Non Maintained Special Schools and Special Post-16 Institutions Spend with Independent Non Maintained Special Schools and Special Post-16 Institutions for CYP with SEND This spend is with Independent Non Maintained Special Schools and Special Post-16 Institutions who have been selected by parents/carers to meet the individual CYP's needs In some cases the provision has been court mandated Various providers - see attached list 1 - Education Commissioning Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 02/01/2024 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN669196 0 Company name: Cambian Education Services Ltd | Registration number: 5554772 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Andrew Underhill | Postcode: EN6 1AG £10,000,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mrs Cheryl Hansford Other (This spend is with Independent Non Maintained Special Schools & Special Post-16 Institutions who have been selected by parents/carers to meet the individual CYP's needs In some cases the provision has been court mandated) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 80000000-4 - Education and training services
03/05/2023 £520,000.00 Public Space CCTV System Management Platform Upgrade, CCTV Camera Upgrade and Maintenance and Service provision Public Space CCTV System Management Platform Upgrade, CCTV Camera Upgrade and Maintenance and Service provision 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 13/03/2023 31/03/2025 01/10/2024 31/03/2025 Public 25 36 61 2 DN651482 0 Company name: Chroma Vision Limited | Registration number: 04215917 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jem Kale | Postcode: TN12 6RH £520,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 32234000-2 - Closed-circuit television cameras
27/04/2023 £10,000.00 Independent Living Centre Semington - 2023-24 Independent Living Centre Semington - 2023-24 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Community and Health Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 02/01/2024 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN667938 0 Company name: Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living | Registration number: 5480761 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Mary Reed | Postcode: SN10 1EB £10,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Jackie Ayres Other (Direct award) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
27/04/2023 £200,000.00 SEND Legal Support - Call-Off from EM Lawshare Provision of SEND Legal Support to B&NES Council Contract called-off from EM Lawshare Framework 1 - Education Inclusion Service Bath and North East Somerset Council 27/07/2023 26/07/2025 01/04/2025 26/07/2025 Public 48 24 72 1 Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 27/04/2025 | Estimated end date: 26/04/2027 | Comment: 24 month extension DN667738 0 Company name: Browne Jacobson LLP | Registration number: OC306448 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Junior Courtney | Postcode: NG2 1BJ £200,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Rosie Cullis Other (Call-off from EM Lawshare framework No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 79100000-5 - Legal services
20/04/2023 £80,000.00 Referral database for the Active Travel Social prescribing project Contract Direct Award Riviam System 1 4.3.2 - Active Travel Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 20/04/2023 31/03/2025 31/12/2024 31/12/2024 31/03/2025 Public 23 N/A 23 DN664955 0 Company name: RIVIAM | Registration number: 04543806 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Hello@riviam | Postcode: BA2 3EG £80,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Jessica Fox-Taylor RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48180000-3 - Medical software package
12/04/2023 £7,553.00 Spend Analysis Tool Annual subscription to Atamis spend analysis tool 1 1.5.4 - Strategic Procurement Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 31/10/2023 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN665490 0 Company name: Atamis Ltd | Registration number: 6998952 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jarad Owen | Postcode: CF10 1EW £7,553.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Michelle Vittozzi Other (Direct Award via exemption) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Spend Analysis, Data, Reporting, Software 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
04/04/2023 Not set Short Breaks - Holiday Provision Provision of short breaks for children with SEND during the school holidays This service was originally tendered under DN359691 It was lot 2 of a process involving 4 lots Not all lots are taking the final extension period, so this project is set up to allow the final 12 months of the contract to be recorded 1 3.3.1 - Complex Care and Targeted Support Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 01/08/2023 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN664610 0 Company name: Bath Area Play Project | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Caroline Haworth | Postcode: BA2 2TL £118,167.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Kay Sibley ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
03/04/2023 £15,000.00 Access Weightsoft Access Weightsoft 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 14/04/2023 10/05/2026 01/12/2025 10/04/2026 Public 37 N/A 37 DN715240 0 Company name: Access UK Ltd | Registration number: 2343760 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tracy Brown; Steve Sawyer; Natalie Giles-Grant; Nick Holland | Postcode: CO7 6LZ £15,000.00 £5,000.00 £0.00 Ms Sarah Alder Other (exemption) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 30200000-1 - Computer equipment and supplies
01/04/2023 £14,000.00 CAMS Maintenance and Technical Support Agreement CAMS Maintenance and Technical Support Agreement 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 21/08/2023 31/03/2026 01/01/2026 31/03/2026 Public 36 N/A 36 DN681415 0 Company name: IDOX Group | Registration number: 2933889 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jen Roberts | Postcode: RG7 4SA £14,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 72000000-5 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
01/04/2023 £150,000.00 Manvers Street and Pierrepont Street Remediation Delivery Support Manvers St Vault Study / Works 1 3.2.7 - Place Management Bath and North East Somerset Council 05/04/2023 31/03/2024 14/02/2024 01/06/2023 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN656296 0 Company name: Atkins | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Bid Team Transportation; Alex Moore | Postcode: KT18 5BW £150,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Ryan Duncan RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71250000-5 - Architectural, engineering and surveying services, 71322000-1 - Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works
01/04/2023 £414,360.00 Care Planning System New Care Home management system 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 29/06/2023 02/07/2026 02/01/2025 02/07/2026 Public 36 24 60 2 DN668932 0 Company name: Care Control Systems Ltd | Registration number: 07909553 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Matthew Luckham; Marcus Stevenson; Emma Troup | Postcode: PL19 9DP £414,360.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
01/04/2023 £50,000.00 CRSTS: City Centre WSP - Matt Jopp Award of consultancy services contract under WECA PSF DA to WSP 1 3.2.7 - Place Management Bath and North East Somerset Council BATH 04/04/2023 31/03/2024 30/09/2023 31/01/2024 31/03/2024 Public 9 N/A 9 DN659739 0 Company name: WSP Development & Transportation | Registration number: 2382309 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Helen Richardson; Sarah Homer; Julie Seabrook | Postcode: EX1 1NT £50,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Tom Foster RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71315000-9 - Building services
01/04/2023 Not set C2 Cloud Traffic Monitoring Software C2 Cloud Software from Drakewell - supplied via the CCS TTAS Lot 7 Framework by Truvelo 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 30/09/2023 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN601323 0 Company name: Truvelo (UK) Ltd | Registration number: 02861619 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Calvin Hutt | Postcode: TW8 8LG £16,210.00 £16,210.00 £0.00 Mr Simeon Cryer Other (Direct award from CCS TTAS framework - Lot 7 catalogue) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 34000000-7 - Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation, 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
24/03/2023 £69,000.00 Provision of Maintenance for Projectors, TVs and Computer Interactives at the Roman Baths and World Heritage Centre The annual maintenance of projectors, tv's, computer interactives at the Roman Baths and World Heritage Centre. To include: • Two preventative maintenance visits per year where equipment will be inspected, tested, cleaned and maintained with the manufacturer’s recommendations and a report will be prepared documenting the works undertaken and any recommendation for additional works; • Repair or replacement of defective parts of hardware; • An annual control systems software backup and secure storage of that backup; • Telephone support during working hours to troubleshoot any issues regarding the equipment; • Engineer to be on site to diagnose an equipment fault by the next day; • Remote Engineer Support (Mon - Sun) and out of hours Emergency Hotline; • Weekend Onsite Call out availability 1 4.4.1 - Roman Baths and Pump Rooms Bath and North East Somerset Council 25/03/2023 31/03/2026 31/12/2025 31/03/2026 Public 36 24 60 1 DN654520 0 Company name: Sysco Productions | Registration number: 03578603 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Harry Wood | Postcode: GU7 2QA £75,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Michelle Vittozzi RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 50340000-0 - Repair and maintenance services of audio-visual and optical equipment
23/03/2023 £160,000.00 Parking Management Solution (ESPO framework 509_19 Direct Award) Direct Award ESPO Framework 1 3.2.1 - Parking Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 10/03/2023 09/03/2028 31/03/2024 31/03/2024 09/03/2028 Public 5 N/A 5 DN661502 0 Company name: Chipside Limited | Registration number: 4049461 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Simon Cheung; Paul Moorby; Daniel Giles; Leighton Ponting | Postcode: SN15 5FD £165,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Andy Dunn RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 38700000-2 - Time registers and the like; parking meters, 38730000-1 - Parking meters, 63712400-7 - Parking services
22/03/2023 £60,000.00 Homeless Hospital Discharge Support Service Homeless Hospital Discharge Support Service provided by DHI at the RUH Bath. 1 3.6 - Adult Social Care Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 29/02/2024 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN662141 0 Company name: Developing Health & Independence (DHI) | Registration number: 3830311 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Rosie Phillips; Steve Best; Dave Cook; Clive Lewis; Ruth Russell; Ben Harman; Mark Lake; Lucie Hartley | Postcode: BA1 1UL £60,000.00 £60,000.00 £0.00 Mr Gary Guest Other (Direct award under exemption) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Homelessness, Hospital, Discharge 85111400-4 - Rehabilitation hospital services
20/03/2023 £42,625.00 Childview Youth Justice Service Case Management System - Childview 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/06/2023 31/05/2026 01/01/2026 31/05/2026 Public 36 24 60 2 DN655939 0 Company name: CACI Ltd | Registration number: 1649776 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Sheila Cronin; Sheila Cronin; Rahul Sathyanarayana | Postcode: W14 8TS £42,625.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings Other (CCS Framework RM3821 Lot 3 c) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
16/03/2023 £15,000.00 The Somer Valley Rediscovered website Hoisting and Maintenance 1 4.7 - Sustainable Communities Bath and North East Somerset Council 09/03/2023 30/09/2025 29/08/2024 30/09/2025 Public 31 N/A 31 DN653354 0 Company name: Yellow Cherry Digital Limited | Registration number: SC507725 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Sarah Francis | Postcode: IV11QY £15,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Miriam Woolnough RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 72000000-5 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
16/03/2023 £20,000.00 DN614928 - Kingsmead Square call off Lights Provision of Lights to Kingsmead Square under Framework DN614928 1 4.6.1 - Regeneration Bath and North East Somerset Council Kingsmead Square Bath 11/04/2023 31/03/2026 31/03/2024 31/03/2024 31/03/2026 Public 36 N/A 36 DN661194 0 Company name: Fineline Lighting Limited | Registration number: 07422357 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Sevim Sangwell; Ritchie Reed | Postcode: BS21 6XT £20,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Wendy Maden RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A lights 31522000-1 - Christmas tree lights, 31527200-8 - Exterior lights
16/03/2023 £37,250.00 Befriending / Buddy Scheme - Short Breaks for Disabled Children This is a 12 month extension of an existing contract. The services were procured as 1 lot of a 4 lot process (DN359691) 1 3.3.1 - Complex Care and Targeted Support Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 01/07/2023 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN661225 0 Company name: WECIL Ltd | Registration number: 3030167 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kath Tobin; Dominic Ellison | Postcode: BS15 1TF Company name: WECIL Ltd | Registration number: 3030167 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Lucie Martin-Jones; Alex Johnston; Cheri Wilkins; Dominic Ellison | Postcode: BS15 1TF £37,250.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Dee Chaddha ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
16/03/2023 Not set Cloud Software – Transport Planning Tool (QRoutes) Cloud Software – Transport Planning Tool (QRoutes) Additional QPaths module added under Variation DN660396.1 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2025 01/01/2025 31/03/2025 Public 24 12 36 1 DN660396 0 Company name: QRoutes Ltd | Registration number: 9993686 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Jeffrey Duffell | Postcode: BS34 8RB £59,500.00 £21,750.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 72260000-5 - Software-related services
15/03/2023 £25,000.00 Commercial marketing services for 3-5 retail properties, part of the Old Post Office, Bath Commercial marketing services for 3-5 retail properties, part of the Old Post Office, Bath 1 4.6.1 - Regeneration Bath and North East Somerset Council 16/03/2023 08/03/2025 15/03/2024 08/03/2025 Public 24 N/A 24 DN656106 0 Company name: Carter Jonas LLP | Registration number: OC304417 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Julie Miller; Sam Ellis-Cosgrove; Julian Lambton | Postcode: W1G 0BG £25,000.00 £12,500.00 £0.00 Ms Wendy Maden RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 70220000-9 - Non-residential property renting or leasing services
15/03/2023 Not set Renewal of Existing Symantec Cloud Licences and Support Renewal of Existing Symantec Cloud Licences and Support 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 29/03/2023 28/03/2025 01/01/2025 29/03/2024 Public 12 12 24 1 DN655160 1 Period: 12 months | Start date: 29/03/2024 | End date: 28/03/2025 | Comment: optional extension taken | Approved date: 26/01/2024 Company name: Specialist Computer Centres | Registration number: 01428210 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Sales Framework | Postcode: B11 2LE £48,224.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Emma Turner RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
13/03/2023 Not set Smartfolio Service - Flowbird 12 month Smartfolio Service - Flowbird 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 01/11/2023 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN660478 0 Company name: Flowbird Smart City UK Limited (Formerly Parkeon) | Registration number: 04869035 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Amy Reed | Postcode: BH12 5AG £7,560.00 £7,560.00 £0.00 Ms Emma Turner RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 30200000-1 - Computer equipment and supplies
02/03/2023 £468,573.00 Beaumonds Residential Short Breaks Residential short breaks for CYP with SEND 1 3.3.1 - Complex Care and Targeted Support Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 01/09/2023 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN658883 0 Company name: Action for Children Services Ltd | Registration number: 2332388 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: adam nelmes; Adam Nelmes | Postcode: NE1 8XS Company name: Action for Children Services Ltd | Registration number: 2332388 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: adam nelmes; Adam Nelmes; adam nelmes | Postcode: NE1 8XS £468,573.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Dee Chaddha Other (Direct award - exemption from CSOs) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
01/03/2023 £142,000.00 Geoxphere XMap XMAP Suite XMAP 360 XMAP Oblique 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2026 05/01/2026 31/03/2026 Public 36 N/A 36 DN656796 0 Company name: Geoxphere | Registration number: 11348164 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Christopher Mewse | Postcode: W1W 5PF £142,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
01/03/2023 £55,000.00 Gamma SIP Trunk Connectivity Gamma SIP Trunk Connectivity 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2026 01/11/2025 31/03/2026 Public 36 12 48 2 DN648875 0 Company name: Maintel Europe Ltd | Registration number: 2665837 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Michelle Bennetts | Postcode: SE1 8EZ £55,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 32571000-6 - Communications infrastructure
28/02/2023 £28,000.00 Electronic Signature Solution Electronic Signature Solution 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 02/01/2024 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN667111 0 Company name: DocuSign | Registration number: DocuSign | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Catherine Threlkeld | Postcode: EC1M 3LL £28,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Emma Turner RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
28/02/2023 £39,639.00 Alloy Highways & Street Lighting Asset Management. Alloy Highways & Street Lighting Asset Management. 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2026 05/01/2026 31/03/2026 Public 36 N/A 36 DN656788 0 Company name: Causeway Technologies | Registration number: 3921897 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Jamie Dickinson | Postcode: SL9 8EL £39,639.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
27/02/2023 £5,099.90 Mitel Monitoring Tool Mitel Monitoring Tool 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/03/2023 31/03/2024 01/12/2023 31/03/2024 Public 13 N/A 13 DN684880 0 Company name: 4Sight Communications Ltd | Registration number: 8160359 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Paul Arigho-Crockett; Dave Harrison; Paul Lee | Postcode: SM1 1JB £5,099.90 £4,708.00 £0.00 Mr Imran Iqbal Other (DA) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 32500000-8 - Telecommunications equipment and supplies
21/02/2023 £165,733.71 Fairfield House - Refurbishment Works to Fairfield House - Mini Competition From General Building Framework Lot 2 Refurbishment works 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/03/2023 26/04/2024 01/03/2024 26/04/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN645909 0 Company name: Mobius Works Ltd | Registration number: 10653495 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Adam Davies | Postcode: BS30 8FJ £55,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Rebecca Hales RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 45000000-7 - Construction work
20/02/2023 £1,960,000.00 An Audio Guide Service for the Roman Baths Museum An Audio Guide Service for the Roman Baths Museum 1 4.4.1 - Roman Baths and Pump Rooms Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2028 11/01/2027 31/03/2028 Public 60 24 84 2 DN636509 0 Company name: Acoustiguide Ltd. | Registration number: 1312434 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Phil Armstrong; David Shapero | Postcode: WC1N 2JP £1,960,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mrs Amanda Hart ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 30213100-6 - Portable computers, 92521100-0 - Museum-exhibition services
20/02/2023 £130,000.00 Community Micro-Enterprise Test & Learn Test & learn development within the B&NES region 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Specialist Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/10/2024 31/03/2024 31/10/2024 Public 18 N/A 18 DN657172 0 Company name: Community Catalysts CIC | Registration number: 7034619 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Jill Wighton | Postcode: HG1 5BJ £130,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr David Jenkins Other (Exemption to contract standing orders) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
15/02/2023 £37,500.00 Co-Commissioning of Rehabilitative and Resettlement Interventions Provision of Supported Accommodation 1 4.6.2 - Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council 15/10/2022 31/03/2025 28/02/2025 31/03/2025 Public 12 12 24 2 DN656075 0 Company name: H M Prison and Probation Service South West | Registration number: 0000 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Contract Management James Henniker Senior Area Contract Manager South West | Postcode: NP10 8FZ £37,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Mike Chedzoy Other (MOU) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Housing 98000000-3 - Other community, social and personal services
14/02/2023 £164,230.23 Idox Uniform and EDMS Idox Uniform and EDMS 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2026 05/01/2026 31/03/2026 Public 36 N/A 36 DN654894 0 Company name: IDOX Group | Registration number: 2933889 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jen Roberts | Postcode: RG7 4SA £164,230.23 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
14/02/2023 Not set TRI-x Adult social care Content management system for policies and procedures relating to adult social care 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Community and Health Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 14/02/2023 14/02/2026 14/01/2026 14/02/2026 Public 36 N/A 36 DN656282 0 Company name: Signis Ltd | Registration number: 08983010 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Max Deluca | Postcode: S60 1BY £33,200.00 £11,000.00 £6,640.00 Ms Sarah Shillam Other (Direct award via exemption) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Adults, Policies, procedures 48100000-9 - Industry specific software package
10/02/2023 £80,000.00 Healthwatch Bath & North East Somerset Delivery of Healthwatch across Bath and North East Somerset 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Specialist Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 01/09/2023 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN652771 0 Company name: The Care Forum | Registration number: 3170666 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tenders Tenders; Morgan Daly; Vicki Morris; Kevin Peltonen-Messenger | Postcode: BS16 2QQ £80,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Other (Exemption from contract standing orders Light touch services) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
07/02/2023 £384,959.84 Bath West Children's Centre Service 1st April 2023- 31st March 2024 Delivery of children's centre services in the Bath West area 1 3.5 - Public Health and Prevention Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 01/06/2023 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN655164 0 Company name: Action for Children Services Ltd | Registration number: 2332388 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: adam nelmes; Adam Nelmes | Postcode: NE1 8XS Company name: Action for Children Services Ltd | Registration number: 2332388 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: adam nelmes; Adam Nelmes; adam nelmes | Postcode: NE1 8XS £384,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Ellie Weyman Other (Exemption from Contract Standing Orders- direct award) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
07/02/2023 £8,100.00 Gatehouse Weighbridge Software Gatehouse Weighbridge Software 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 02/01/2024 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN655127 0 Company name: The Access Group | Registration number: 2343760 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Alex Brown | Postcode: CO7 6LZ £8,100.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
02/02/2023 £85,000.00 Pattern Book street furniture A single provider Contract for the design development, casting and manufacture of bespoke Pattern Book street furniture. 1 4.6.1 - Regeneration Bath and North East Somerset Council 23/01/2023 23/01/2025 02/02/2024 23/01/2025 Public 24 N/A 24 DN643428 0 Company name: Art & Assembly Ltd | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Aaron Distler | Postcode: SE4 1YR £85,000.00 £40,000.00 £0.00 Ms Wendy Maden ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71000000-8 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
01/02/2023 £150,000.00 Digital Behavioural Change Intervention Active Travel - Body Worn Device - KiActiv 1 4.3.2 - Active Travel Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 22/02/2023 30/09/2025 01/04/2024 01/04/2024 30/09/2025 Public 31 N/A 31 DN653134 0 Company name: Ki Performance Lifestyle Limited | Registration number: 06738270 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tommy Parker | Postcode: W1W 6AN £150,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Jessica Fox-Taylor Other (Direct Award under G Cloud 13) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 33190000-8 - Miscellaneous medical devices and products, 80561000-4 - Health training services, 75122000-7 - Administrative healthcare services
01/02/2023 £154,475.00 Internet, HSCN and Cloud Connectivity and Megaport Internet, HSCN and Cloud Connectivity and Megaport 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/03/2023 31/03/2026 01/10/2025 31/03/2026 Public 34 12 46 2 DN656505 0 Company name: The Networking People (TNP) Ltd | Registration number: 7667393 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Chris Wade; Chris Wade; Chris Wade; Joe Hargreaves | Postcode: LA1 3PE £154,475.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 32412110-8 - Internet network
01/02/2023 £65,000.00 Monitoring and Evaluation of the Active travel Social Prescribing project M&E Grant to UWE for Active Travel Programme effectiveness 1 4.3.2 - Active Travel Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 24/02/2023 31/10/2025 01/11/2023 01/11/2023 31/10/2025 Public 32 N/A 32 DN655868 0 Company name: University of the West of England | Registration number: N/A | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Research Administration; Jan Warden | Postcode: BS16 1QY £75,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Jessica Fox-Taylor Other (GRANT Offer Letter) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 79419000-4 - Evaluation consultancy services
24/01/2023 £12,600.00 Aligned Assets Annual Maintenance ASD and ASD Plus - Annual Maintenance iExchange - Annual Maintenance iManage LLPG - Annual Maintenance iMatch - Annual Maintenance 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 02/01/2024 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN652688 0 Company name: IDOX Group | Registration number: 2933889 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jen Roberts | Postcode: RG7 4SA £12,600.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
17/01/2023 £1,502,212.50 Specialist Early Years Education Service Specialist Early Years Education Service 1 - Education Commissioning Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/09/2023 31/08/2027 31/03/2027 31/08/2027 Public 48 24 72 2 DN633662 0 Company name: First Steps (Bath) | Registration number: 2656485 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Roz Lambert | Postcode: BA2 1SY £1,560,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mrs Olwyn Donnelly ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Early Years, Education, Specialist 80000000-4 - Education and training services
17/01/2023 £6,900.00 Mail Room Franking Machine Mail Room Franking Machine 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 06/02/2023 05/02/2029 01/11/2028 05/02/2029 Public 72 N/A 72 DN651800 0 Company name: The Mailing Room | Registration number: . | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Charles Abey | Postcode: BL9 7BR £6,900.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 30144100-1 - Postage-franking machines
03/01/2023 £28,812.00 Collection HQ Bridgeall Libraries - Collection HQ 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 17/01/2023 14/01/2026 01/10/2025 14/01/2026 Public 36 N/A 36 DN649688 0 Company name: Bridgeall Libraries Ltd | Registration number: SC297736 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: David Bishop; Kathie Graham; Susan Love; Jamie Wright; Alan Gibson | Postcode: G2 5SG £28,812.00 £9,604.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 72220000-3 - Systems and technical consultancy services
03/01/2023 £708,625.00 Childrens' Advocacy (SEND and Social Care) and Independent Visiting Service Delivery of Advocacy to Children (SEND and Social Care) and an Independent Visiting Service 1 3.3.1 - Complex Care and Targeted Support Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2026 01/10/2025 31/03/2026 Public 40 24 64 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2026 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2027 | Comment: 1 of 2, Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2027 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2028 | Comment: 2 of 2 DN632336 0 Company name: Off The Record Bath and NE Somerset | Registration number: 3643586 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Phil Walters | Postcode: BA1 1JW £708,625.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Kay Sibley ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
29/12/2022 £1,400,000.00 Independent Domestic Abuse Support Service An Independent Domestic Abuse Support Service for residents of Bath and North East Somerset. 1 2.1.3 - Inclusive Communities Bath and North East Somerset Council 27/12/2022 31/03/2028 31/03/2027 31/03/2028 Public 63 24 87 1 DN634510 0 Company name: Southside | Registration number: 3368679 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jayne Mackley | Postcode: BA2 1QN £1,400,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 M Lores Savine ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
19/12/2022 £80,000.00 Term Time Short Breaks Delivery 01/04/2023 - 31/03/2024 Delivery of Term Time Short Breaks - 1st April 2023 - 31st March 2024 Called off from Term Time Short Breaks Framework - DN628512 1 3.3.1 - Complex Care and Targeted Support Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2023 31/03/2024 01/02/2024 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN648578 0 Company name: Bath Area Play Project | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Caroline Haworth | Postcode: BA2 2TL Company name: Nova Sports And Coaching | Registration number: 10996225 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Alex Johnson | Postcode: BA2 3AA Company name: WECIL Ltd | Registration number: 3030167 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kath Tobin; Dominic Ellison | Postcode: BS15 1TF Company name: WECIL Ltd | Registration number: 3030167 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Lucie Martin-Jones; Alex Johnston; Cheri Wilkins; Dominic Ellison | Postcode: BS15 1TF £80,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Kay Sibley Other (Call-offs from DN628512) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
09/12/2022 £70,000.00 Fleet management software Fleet Management Software award Jaama 1 4.3.1 - Transport Development and Policy Bath and North East Somerset Council 12/04/2022 31/10/2025 31/03/2024 31/03/2024 31/10/2025 Public 36 N/A 36 DN625906 0 Company name: Jaama Ltd | Registration number: 5186026 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Paul Adams; Collette Dooley | Postcode: B77 4RP £70,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Patricia Okowa RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Fleet maintenance software 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
01/12/2022 £100,000.00 Cost of Care Calculator Online calculator for calculating cost of care - home care, supported living and care home placements 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Specialist Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/01/2023 31/12/2024 01/11/2024 30/11/2024 Public 24 12 36 1 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/01/2025 | Estimated end date: 31/12/2025 | Comment: 12 month extension DN645303 0 Company name: IESE Innovation Ltd | Registration number: 08490888 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: CRAIG WHITE; Vanda Leary; Vanda Leary; Nik Jones | Postcode: Ct1 2tu £100,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Vicki Allan Other (Call off from G Cloud 13) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85300000-2 - Social work and related services
01/12/2022 £100,000.00 Drainage Waste & Interceptor Maintenance Services Drainage Waste & Interceptor Maintenance Services 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/09/2022 30/11/2025 30/11/2024 30/11/2025 Public 36 12 48 1 DN620474 0 Company name: Cleansing Service Group Limited | Registration number: 00530446 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Gillian Kaur-Singh | Postcode: PO15 5TT Company name: Cleansing Service Group Limited | Registration number: 00530446 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Richard Brown | Postcode: PO15 5TT £100,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Patricia Okowa RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Drainage waste 90000000-7 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
25/11/2022 £400,000.00 Managed Print Services 2022 Managed Print Services includes the provision (via operating Lease) of multifunctional print devices across the estate, and access to Print Management software. Also includes support for device faults, consumables replacement and device movements 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/03/2023 28/02/2028 31/03/2027 28/02/2028 Public 60 24 84 1 Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 01/03/2028 | Estimated end date: 28/02/2030 | Comment: 2 -year extension available as per tender DN636086 0 Company name: HP Inc UK Ltd | Registration number: 9408979 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Paula Taggart | Postcode: RG6 1PT £400,000.00 £122,000.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt Other (Further Competition under Lot 2 of the CCS Framework RM6174 - Multifunctional Devices (MFDs), Print and Digital Workflow Software Services and Managed Print Service Provision.) Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Managed Print, Manage 30000000-9 - Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages
09/11/2022 £40,833.25 Detached youth work to address risk of serious violence in Bath and North East Somerset Detached youth work to address risk of serious violence in Bath and North East Somerset 1 3.4.3 - Young People's Prevention Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 12/09/2022 31/03/2025 01/10/2024 31/03/2025 Public 31 N/A 31 DN627185 0 Company name: Developing Health & Independence (DHI) | Registration number: 3830311 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Rosie Phillips; Steve Best; Dave Cook; Clive Lewis; Ruth Russell; Ben Harman; Mark Lake; Lucie Hartley | Postcode: BA1 1UL £40,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Tasha Mitella RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
08/11/2022 £149,866.25 Volunteer Community Transport Services The Council has established a single provider for the provision of Volunteer Community Transport. 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Community and Health Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/12/2022 30/11/2025 31/05/2022 30/11/2025 Public 36 24 60 2 DN634283 0 Company name: SWAN Advice Network | Registration number: 6883950 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Sarah Williams | Postcode: BA3 3RN £150,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Miss Sinead Wintle ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 60140000-1 - Non-scheduled passenger transport, 60130000-8 - Special-purpose road passenger-transport services
07/11/2022 £1,500,000.00 Welfare Advice Service Welfare advice services for residents of Bath and North East Somerset 1 1.2 - Welfare Support Bath and North East Somerset Council 09/12/2022 31/03/2028 05/01/2026 31/03/2028 Public 64 N/A 64 DN631495 0 Company name: Bath and District Citizens Advice Bureau | Registration number: 02845028 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Simon lawson | Postcode: BA1 2EE £1,500,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Damien Peak ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
07/11/2022 £1,680,000.00 Organisational Review Assistance with organisational review programme 1 2.2 - Organisational Development Bath and North East Somerset Council 07/12/2022 31/12/2024 03/06/2024 31/12/2024 Public 24 N/A 24 DN640921 0 Company name: Korn Ferry (UK) Ltd | Registration number: 0763575 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Gary Spokes; Alan Wildsmith | Postcode: SW1Y 6QB £1,680,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mrs Cherry Bennett Other (Direct award via external framework RM6187) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 79400000-8 - Business and management consultancy and related services
14/10/2022 £21,000.00 VM-Series, Subscription Services, to manage Software Firewalls VM-Series, Subscription Services, to manage Software Firewalls 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 20/10/2022 19/10/2024 01/08/2024 19/10/2024 Public 24 N/A 24 DN637862 0 Company name: Maintel Europe Ltd | Registration number: 2665837 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Michelle Bennetts | Postcode: SE1 8EZ £21,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 50312300-8 - Maintenance and repair of data network equipment Appd
10/10/2022 £40,000.00 Design and FBC business case development support for Bath Quays Links Design and FBC business case development support for Bath Quays Links 1 3.2.7 - Place Management Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 10/10/2022 31/03/2024 01/10/2023 01/10/2023 31/03/2024 Public 12 N/A 12 DN692724 0 Company name: AECOM - WECA | Registration number: N/A | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Richard Redfern; Helen Holm | Postcode: BS1 6NB £40,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Nick Helps Other (DA WECA PSF AECOM) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71311000-1 - Civil engineering consultancy services
06/10/2022 £235,000.00 Corporate Pool Cars 2022 CO wheels to provide a fully managed mixed fleet of 12 low emission petrol, (below 110 g/km CO2.), non-plug-in hybrid and full E.V. non -specialist vehicles to enable B&NES staff across all directorates, and Members, to deliver service in the district e.g.: • Client visits -including young people as passengers of Social Workers for significant out of district travel. • Site inspections/monitoring & data collection • Public engagements/ meetings • Long distance journeys where officers can legally share driving • Rapid response in the Communities team • Care in the community – Adult services Contract to include telematic data for monthly central invoicing, customer services support, vehicle maintenance/ repair and insurance. 1 2.2.2 - Organisational Development Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/12/2022 01/12/2025 01/12/2023 01/12/2025 Public 36 12 48 1 DN630952 0 Company name: Co-Wheels CIC | Registration number: 6512325 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jonathan Collinson | Postcode: NE1 5DW £235,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Anthony Meehan Other (Crown Commercial Framework RM6013 Lot 7) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 34115200-8 - Motor vehicles for the transport of fewer than 10 persons
15/09/2022 Not set Population Surveying Support – Social Care, Carers and General Population 2022 - 2025 The Council required a single provider contract for the provision of Population Surveying Support – Social Care, Carers and General Population 2022 - 2025. Specifically, the Voicebox annual residents survey, the Adult Social Care Survey (ASCS) and the Survey of Adult Carers in England (SACE). 1 4.6.4 - Business Intelligence Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset 15/09/2022 31/05/2025 30/11/2024 31/05/2025 Public 32 N/A 32 DN624971 0 Company name: Direct Data Analysis Ltd | Registration number: Z3022378 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Phil Woodvine | Postcode: ST5 1ED £65,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Jon Poole ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Carer's survey, Population survey, Bath & North East Somerset, Adult social care survey 73000000-2 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
08/09/2022 Not set Commissioning for Wellbeing Level 5 Training Provision of Adult Social Care Commissioning Level 5 training to Bath and North East Somerset Council Staff 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Community and Health Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 08/09/2022 08/09/2024 10/09/2023 09/09/2024 Public 24 N/A 24 DN632156 0 Company name: Bespoke Consultancy & Education Ltd | Registration number: 08730523 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Tony Webber | Postcode: BS24 8EE £9,000.00 £9,000.00 £0.00 Mr John Turkson RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 80510000-2 - Specialist training services
05/09/2022 £9,000.00 Zylpha Legal Court Bundling 1 1.5.9 - IT Service Delivery Bath and North East Somerset Council 29/11/2022 30/11/2025 01/08/2025 30/11/2025 Public 36 N/A 36 DN631471 0 Company name: Zylpha Ltd | Registration number: 5315431 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: David Chapman | Postcode: SO21 2DZ £9,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Marc Jabbitt RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
22/08/2022 £350,000.00 Christmas Lights & Projections (2022-2026) The design; hire; storage; refurbishment; testing and carriage of Christmas Lighting displays for eight communities in Bath and North East Somerset The design; hire; storage; testing; carriage; installation; focussing; on site checks and maintenance and removal of projections, predominantly in Bath City Centre. 2 2.1.1 - Communities Bath and North East Somerset Council 13/09/2022 31/03/2026 31/01/2025 31/03/2026 Public 43 N/A 43 DN614928 0 Company name: Field & Lawn (Marquees) Ltd | Registration number: 0100165SC | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Andrew Lothian | Postcode: EH52 5NN Company name: Fineline Lighting Limited | Registration number: 07422357 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Sevim Sangwell; Ritchie Reed | Postcode: BS21 6XT £350,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 M Alison Wells RFQ Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 31000000-6 - Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting, 31500000-1 - Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 45310000-3 - Electrical installation work, 38652100-1 - Projectors
17/08/2022 £46,500.00 Autodesk Autodesk. 3 year contract 1 1.5.9 - IT Service Delivery Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/09/2022 02/09/2025 02/06/2025 02/09/2025 Public 36 N/A 36 DN628418 0 Company name: Symetri Ltd | Registration number: 03239798 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kevin Doherty; Chandan Jerath; Adam Polkinghorne | Postcode: NE3 3PF £46,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
15/08/2022 £637,518.00 Architectural Services for Odd Down Developments and other related Works - Mini Competition from Architectural Framework Lot 2 - DN430695 Provide architectural services for Bath Recycling & Re-use Centre & SEND Passenger Transport re-location 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset Council 22/08/2022 30/04/2025 28/06/2024 30/04/2025 Public 33 N/A 33 DN615363 0 Company name: SRA Architects | Registration number: 0349971OC | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Emma Brooks; David Beckett; Michael Rolfe; Andy Battle | Postcode: BA1 3DS £600,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Richard Baker RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 71000000-8 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services APPD
09/08/2022 £0.00 ACL - Provision of Structural & Civil Engineers Provide structural services to Aequus 1 5.0 - Aequus Group Bath and North East Somerset Council Local 16/08/2022 31/07/2024 31/07/2024 31/07/2024 Public 23 N/A 23 DN619624 0 Company name: Momentum Consulting Engineers | Registration number: 5474284 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Kelly Bagnall; Richard Heath; Kelly Bagnall | Postcode: E1 8PY Company name: Western Building Consultants Ltd | Registration number: 04980131 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Sam George; James Dean | Postcode: BA2 2QH £50,000.00 £10,000.00 £0.00 Mr Ben Kimber RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 45210000-2 - Building construction work, 45220000-5 - Engineering works and construction works
08/08/2022 Not set Heritage Service Media Monitoring To provide media monitoring service to heritage services, including daily email alerts and access to our press cuttings. To include print, online and broadcast coverage. 1 4.4 - Heritage Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 29/09/2022 29/09/2025 03/03/2025 02/06/2025 29/09/2025 Public 36 N/A 36 DN627053 0 Company name: Cision Group Limited | Registration number: 00874637 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: | Postcode: E14 5HU £9,000.00 £3,000.00 £0.00 Ms Rebecca Hare ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 79300000-7 - Market and economic research; polling and statistics, 79900000-3 - Miscellaneous business and business-related services
29/07/2022 £0.00 ACL - Provision of Asbestos Surveyor Provide Asbestos services 1 5.0 - Aequus Group Bath and North East Somerset Council 15/08/2022 31/07/2024 31/07/2024 31/07/2024 Public 24 N/A 24 DN619282 0 Company name: CWE Services Ltd | Registration number: 4070169 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Nadine Lewis | Postcode: BS49 5EB Company name: Swindon Asbestos Surveying Ltd | Registration number: 5953002 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Jayne O'Sullivan; Edward O Sullivan | Postcode: SN6 7NA £50,000.00 £25,000.00 £0.00 Mr Ben Kimber RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 90650000-8 - Asbestos removal services, 45262660-5 - Asbestos-removal work
29/07/2022 £0.00 ACL - Proviosn of a Building & Party Wall Surveyor Supplying Building & Party Wall Surveyor services 1 5.0 - Aequus Group Bath and North East Somerset Council 15/08/2022 31/07/2024 31/07/2024 31/07/2024 Public 24 N/A 24 DN619326 0 Company name: Colston & Colston | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Mark Evitts | Postcode: BA1 2HA Company name: CSquared Real Estate LLP | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Rupert Allsop | Postcode: BA1 1HE Company name: Rider levett Bucknall UK Ltd | Registration number: 4653580 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Emma Bish; Sophie Freeman | Postcode: B3 2BH £50,000.00 £25,000.00 £0.00 Mr Ben Kimber RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71000000-8 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
29/07/2022 £0.00 ACL - Provsion of Quantity Surveyors to supply Quantity surveying services 1 5.0 - Aequus Group Bath and North East Somerset Council 29/06/2022 31/07/2024 31/07/2023 31/07/2024 Public 25 N/A 25 DN619366 0 Company name: Burke Hunter Adams | Registration number: OC307646 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Richard Ward | Postcode: EC2V 7AY Company name: MESH Construction Consultancy | Registration number: 09680222 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Zoe Curnow; Martyn Stokes | Postcode: EC4N 7AE £50,000.00 £25,000.00 £0.00 Mr Ben Kimber RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71324000-5 - Quantity surveying services
25/07/2022 Not set Treatment of Street Sweeping Waste Receipt and treatment of Street Sweeping waste collected as part of our statutory cleansing duties within Bath & North East Somerset. 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/08/2022 31/07/2026 24/04/2023 31/05/2025 Public 36 12 48 1 DN596174 0 Company name: Hills Waste Solutions Ltd | Registration number: 0571289 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Amanda Gale | Postcode: SN1 2NR Company name: PMG Services (Bristol) Ltd | Registration number: 4775580 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Clare McGuinness | Postcode: BS2 0XA £300,000.00 £100,000.00 £0.00 Mrs Lisa Gore ITT Yes No Bristol Waste Company Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Guildhall, Waste Treatment, Recycling, Street sweepings 90000000-7 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
01/07/2022 Not set WoEITS2 THE SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND RELATED SERVICES Joint authority Contract Bristol City Council are designated Lead Authority Bath and North East Somerset Council North Somerset Council 1 3.2.3 - Highways and Traffic Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/07/2022 30/06/2027 31/01/2027 01/07/2031 Public 60 48 108 2 Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 01/07/2027 | Estimated end date: 30/06/2029 | Comment: 24 months extension on the same terms, Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 01/07/2029 | Estimated end date: 30/06/2031 | Comment: 24 months extension on the same terms DN622905 0 Company name: Yunex Traffic | Registration number: N/A | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: N/A | Postcode: BH17 7ER £1,050,000.00 £210,000.00 £0.00 Mr Paul Tenniswood ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 50000000-5 - Repair and maintenance services
22/06/2022 £7,000,000.00 Whole System Specialist Mental Health Care & Support Award of an alliance contract to Bath Mind, Milestones and Arch Care to deliver Specialist Mental Health Care & Support across Bath & North East Somerset. 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Specialist Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/09/2022 31/08/2029 02/10/2028 31/08/2029 Public 84 36 120 1 DN528550 0 Company name: arch care services ltd | Registration number: 3763819 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Cilla Martin; Andy Ryan | Postcode: BS21 6UU Company name: Bath Mind | Registration number: 3531040 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kate Morton; Paul Cooper | Postcode: BA1 1EQ Company name: Milestones Trust | Registration number: 2011021 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Naina Mandleker; Jane Kilpatrick; Linda Phelps | Postcode: BS16 5EL £7,000,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Graeme Hickey ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 98000000-3 - Other community, social and personal services
21/06/2022 Not set St Keyna Structural Consultancy Services - Mini Competition from Framework - DN545177 St Keyna Primary Expansion 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council 22/06/2022 05/09/2025 05/11/2025 05/09/2025 Public 39 N/A 39 DN609758 0 Company name: Curtins Consulting Ltd | Registration number: 2054159 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Cheri Hickling; Oliver Delucia-Crook; Curtins bids | Postcode: L2 2SB Company name: Curtins Consulting Ltd | Registration number: 2054159 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Oliver Delucia-Crook; Curtins bids | Postcode: L2 2SB £40,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Miss Vanessa Dale RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 71000000-8 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
20/06/2022 Not set St Keyna Architectural Services - Mini Competition from Framework DN430695 LEAD DESIGNNER AND PRINCIPAL DESIGNER SCHOOL EXPANSION AT ST. KEYNA PRIMARY, KEYNSHAM 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council 20/06/2022 30/09/2025 30/11/2022 30/09/2025 Public 39 N/A 39 DN609535 0 Company name: Quattro Design Architects Ltd | Registration number: 4767576 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Procurement Quattro; Shirley Park | Postcode: GL2 5QY £100,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Miss Vanessa Dale RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 71000000-8 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
17/06/2022 £1,858,646.00 Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Microsoft Enterprise Agreement 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/07/2022 30/06/2025 03/02/2025 30/06/2025 Public 36 24 60 2 DN614883 0 Company name: Insight Direct (UK) Ltd | Registration number: 2579852 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Roger Talbot; Ross Poole | Postcode: UB8 1JG £1,858,646.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
15/06/2022 £17,577.00 Immersive Labs Immersive CyberPro 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 15/06/2022 30/06/2024 02/05/2023 30/06/2024 Public 25 12 37 1 DN617409 0 Company name: Insight Direct (UK) Ltd | Registration number: 2579852 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Roger Talbot; Ross Poole | Postcode: UB8 1JG £17,577.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems aPPD
14/06/2022 Not set Framework - Workwear and PPE WWP-1019-001-PC_1895 University of Bristol, Bath & NE Somerset & North Somerset Councils joint workwear & PPE framework of suppliers. 1 1.5.4 - Strategic Procurement Bath and North East Somerset Council 14/06/2023 14/06/2027 14/01/2027 14/06/2027 Public 60 N/A 60 DN655888 0 Company name: ARCO LIMITED | Registration number: 00133804 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Nick Hall | Postcode: HU1 1BH Company name: ARDEN WINCH & CO LIMITED | Registration number: 01253792 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Steve Barker | Postcode: S13 9BB Company name: HEALTHY BEAN LTD | Registration number: 12498439 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Dalwinder Uppal | Postcode: SE10 0ZD Company name: MISTER UNIFORM LTD | Registration number: 07429790 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: David Pinnock | Postcode: BS32 4UB Company name: SMI INT GROUP LIMITED | Registration number: 07644080 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Giles Pisgrove | Postcode: GU27 2QH £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Anna Rushton RFQ Yes No University of Bristol Framework 18000000-9 - Clothing, footwear, luggage articles and accessories, 35113400-3 - Protective and safety clothing
09/06/2022 £6,000.00 Condeco Enterprise Room Subscription Condeco Enterprise Room Subscription 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/07/2022 30/06/2025 01/04/2025 30/06/2025 Public 36 12 48 2 DN616399 0 Company name: Condeco Limited | Registration number: 03917436 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Jacqueline Nolan | Postcode: E14 9GE £18,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
01/06/2022 £108,800.00 Trend Mico Security Trend Mico Security 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 16/06/2022 15/06/2025 10/03/2025 03/04/2023 15/06/2025 Public 36 24 60 2 DN615402 0 Company name: Softcat plc | Registration number: 02174990 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Charles Harrison | Postcode: SL7 1LW £108,800.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
30/05/2022 £3,854,886.00 Hospital Education Reintegration Service The HERS service supports children who have medical needs that cannot be met by the child's home school. 1 - Education Commissioning Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/09/2022 31/08/2026 01/04/2026 31/08/2026 Public 48 24 72 1 Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 01/09/2026 | Estimated end date: 31/08/2028 | Comment: 24 month extension DN570538 0 Company name: The Partnership Trust | Registration number: N/A | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Iian Conley | Postcode: BA3 3AL £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Olwyn Donnelly Other (Failed open procedure - no suitable bids received, followed by negotiation with successful provider. VEAT Notice published.) Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
20/05/2022 £219,000.00 Somer Valley Enterprise Zone Legal Services Provision of Legal Services to support SVEZ 1 4.0 - Sustainable Communities Bath and North East Somerset Council 10/05/2022 01/05/2025 01/05/2023 01/05/2023 01/05/2025 Public 36 N/A 36 DN607464 0 Company name: Burges Salmon LLP | Registration number: OC307212 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: PublicSector Tenders | Postcode: BS2 0ZX £50,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Ella Thomas RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework Legal 79110000-8 - Legal advisory and representation services
09/05/2022 Not set Food Waste Treatment Services This contract is for the receipt and treatment of Food Waste collected from homes and businesses within Bath & North East Somerset by the Council's collection services. 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 09/05/2022 08/05/2029 01/04/2028 01/06/2029 Public 84 36 120 3 DN573366 0 Company name: Codford Biogas | Registration number: 08166256 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Justin Stone | Postcode: BA12 0PA £360,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Lisa Gore ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Food Waste, Recycling 90000000-7 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
06/05/2022 Not set NEET Tracking Software NEET Tracking Software 1 3.5 - Public Health and Prevention Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2022 30/11/2024 01/05/2024 30/11/2024 Public 32 N/A 32 DN611243 0 Company name: Access UK Ltd | Registration number: 2343760 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Steve Sawyer; Natalie Giles-Grant; Bid Management; Lloyd Evans; Nick Holland | Postcode: CO7 6LZ £31,053.00 £11,645.00 £0.00 Ms Heather Brumby Other (Direct Award - CSO Exemption) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
03/05/2022 £300,000.00 Provision of Music in the Pump Room, Bath - Pump Room Trio Provision of Music in the Pump Room, Bath - Pump Room Trio 1 4.4.1 - Roman Baths and Pump Rooms Bath and North East Somerset Council 10/05/2022 09/05/2025 03/01/2022 09/05/2025 Public 36 24 60 1 DN599292 0 Company name: Imogen Windsor | Registration number: 0 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: 0 | Postcode: 0 Company name: Lucy Hewson | Registration number: 0 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: 0 | Postcode: 0 Company name: Mathew Gresswell | Registration number: 0 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: 0 | Postcode: 0 £300,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Tom Deller RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 79952000-2 - Event services
18/04/2022 £87,190.00 Webcasting of public Democratic meetings Webcasting of public Democratic meetings 1 1.5.7 - Corporate Governance and Business Insight Bath and North East Somerset Council 24/04/2022 31/03/2027 01/10/2026 31/03/2025 Public 35 N/A 35 DN600592 0 Company name: Public-i Group Ltd | Registration number: 3998680 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Robert Saunders | Postcode: BN3 1DD £87,190.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Michelle Vittozzi RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 32000000-3 - Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
13/04/2022 £231,835.00 Renewal of LLU Infrastructure Renewal of LLU Infrastructure 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 31/05/2022 30/04/2025 02/01/2025 30/04/2025 Public 35 N/A 35 DN597448 0 Company name: The Networking People (TNP) Ltd | Registration number: 7667393 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Chris Wade | Postcode: LA1 3PE £377,772.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Emma Turner RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 32400000-7 - Networks
11/04/2022 £140,000.00 First Aid and Social Care Training Single provider framework for the delivery of First Aid and Social Care related training to Council staff. 1 2.2.2 - Organisational Development Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2022 31/03/2026 01/10/2025 31/03/2026 Public 48 N/A 48 DN595305 0 Company name: Acorn Health & Safety Ltd | Registration number: 4618827 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Daniel Street | Postcode: BS30 8XT £140,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sarah Thorne RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 80560000-7 - Health and first-aid training services, 80562000-1 - First-aid training services published
08/04/2022 Not set MK Insight Software support and hosting 1 1.5.1 - Audit and Assurance Bath and North East Somerset Council 08/04/2022 30/09/2024 08/01/2024 31/12/2024 Public 30 N/A 30 DN606746 0 Company name: Ideagen Plc | Registration number: 02805019 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Jen Pemberton | Postcode: NG11 6JS £24,137.69 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Andy Cox Other (Direct award via exemption) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
07/04/2022 £180,000.00 Provision of Pianists in the Pump Room, Bath Provision of Pianists in the Pump Room, Bath 1 4.4.1 - Roman Baths and Pump Rooms Bath and North East Somerset Council 10/05/2022 09/05/2025 09/05/2025 09/05/2025 Public 36 24 60 1 DN599203 0 Company name: Mr Steve Buck | Registration number: n/a | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Steve Buck | Postcode: BA29DN £180,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Tom Deller RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A pianists 92300000-4 - Entertainment services
01/04/2022 £11,000,000.00 Award of Energy Contracts (Gas and Electricity) for B&NES Direct Award utilities Contracts under Regulation 32 of the PCR's 1 1.0 - Finance Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 01/04/2022 31/03/2024 01/03/2023 31/07/2023 31/03/2024 Public 24 N/A 24 DN620835 0 Company name: British Gas Trading Limited | Registration number: 3078711 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Louise Armstrong | Postcode: SL4 5GD Company name: EDF Energy | Registration number: 02366852 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Pete Fear; Energy Solutions | Postcode: GL4 3RS Company name: SSE Energy Supply Limited | Registration number: 3757502 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Marcus Peters | Postcode: RG1 3JH Company name: TotalEnergies Gas & Power Ltd | Registration number: 2172239 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tom Richardson; Kevin Matthews; Daniel Gell; Dan Gell; Trevor Howe; Rebecca Hills; Damon Fleming; Rob Brannan | Postcode: RH1 1RX £11,000,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Andrew Brentley Other (Direct Award under Regulation 32) Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Energy, Utilities 65000000-3 - Public utilities
31/03/2022 £190,000.00 Cash Collection, Counting and Banking Services Awarded in 2021 1 3.2.1 - Parking Services Bath and North East Somerset Council B&NES 06/05/2021 31/03/2025 31/03/2023 31/03/2023 31/03/2025 Public 47 N/A 47 DN663356 0 Company name: Bristol Waste Company | Registration number: 09472624 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Gary McKinnon; Lawson Viner | Postcode: BS2 0XS £190,000.00 £41,000.00 £0.00 Mr Andy Dunn Other (IAA - BCC (Bristol Waste part of BCC)) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 79900000-3 - Miscellaneous business and business-related services
29/03/2022 £17,159.00 Bath City Centre Planting Design & Maintenance 2022-24 Bath City Centre High Street Renewal Programme planting design and maintenance 2022-24 FYs. 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2022 31/03/2024 03/03/2024 31/03/2024 Public 24 N/A 24 DN601007 0 Company name: Stonebarn Landscapes | Registration number: 05197707 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jenny Cooksley | Postcode: BS40 8TL £20,000.00 £10,000.00 £0.00 Ms Wendy Maden ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71420000-8 - Landscape architectural services
28/03/2022 £318,512.00 Voice Network Maintenance, Support and Software Assurance Voice Network Maintenance, Support and Software Assurance, Storm Data Track 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2022 31/03/2025 01/06/2024 31/03/2025 Public 36 24 60 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2025 | Estimated end date: 30/03/2026 | Comment: optional extension, Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2026 | Estimated end date: 30/03/2027 | Comment: optional extension DN591330 0 Company name: 4Sight Communications Ltd | Registration number: 8160359 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Paul Arigho-Crockett; Dave Harrison; Paul Lee | Postcode: SM1 1JB £318,512.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Derek Golding ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 32500000-8 - Telecommunications equipment and supplies
25/03/2022 £1,039,931.00 Case Management Information System for: Children & Families Social Care and Adult Social Care & associated financial functionality and Education Case Management Information System for: Children & Families Social Care and Adult Social Care & associated financial functionality and Education 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2022 31/03/2027 15/09/2026 31/03/2027 Public 60 24 84 1 Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2027 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2029 | Comment: optional extension DN603654 0 Company name: Liquidlogic | Registration number: 4006349 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Bid Team; Brendan McNally; Lisa Haslam | Postcode: LS1 5JF £1,039,931.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Alison Evans Other (CCS Framework Contract with the reference number RM3821 for the provision of Data and Applications Solutions. CALL-OFF LOT(S): Lot 3c Community Health & Social Care) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
22/03/2022 £270,000.00 Repair and Maintenance of Street Furniture and Park Infrastructure Bath and North East Somerset Council has procured a contract to install, replace, repair, refurbish, retrofit a range of street furniture and park infrastructure such as signage, litter bins, football goals, bollards and benches at locations within Bath and North East 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/05/2022 30/04/2025 01/02/2022 30/06/2025 Public 36 24 60 24 DN582804 0 Company name: Tom Ledbury Maintenance and Installations | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Tom Ledbury | Postcode: SN13 0LB £270,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Patricia Okowa ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A repair park benches, signages, Retrofit, bin installation 90000000-7 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
22/03/2022 £41,000.00 Winter Weather Station Management and Maintenance Winter Weather Station Management and Maintenance 1 3.2.3 - Highways and Traffic Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2022 31/03/2027 31/03/2026 31/03/2027 Public 60 N/A 60 DN603512 0 Company name: Vaisala Ltd | Registration number: 1487125 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Weather Sales | Postcode: B37 7YB £41,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Craig Jackson Other (Direct award via exemption) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Weather station, Winter 50200000-7 - Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment
17/03/2022 £64,837.97 Provision of Office 365 Backup Software Licences Provision of Office 365 Backup Software Licences 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 28/03/2022 27/03/2024 01/12/2022 27/03/2024 Public 12 12 24 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 28/03/2023 | Estimated end date: 27/03/2024 | Comment: optional extension, Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 28/03/2024 | Estimated end date: 27/03/2025 | Comment: optional extension DN596902 1 Period: 12 months | Start date: 30/03/2023 | End date: 29/03/2024 | Comment: 2nd and final years extension | Approved date: 30/03/2023 Company name: CDW Limited | Registration number: 2465350 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Andy Wood; Dave Preston | Postcode: EC4M 9AF £64,837.97 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Imran Iqbal RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
17/03/2022 £762,394.00 Security Services 2022 - 2025 Security Services 2022 - 2025 - Heritage Services 1 4.4.1 - Roman Baths and Pump Rooms Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2022 31/03/2025 31/03/2025 31/03/2025 Public 36 24 60 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2025 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2026 | Comment: ., Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2026 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2027 | Comment: . DN556065 0 Company name: Venture Security Management | Registration number: 6000601 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Paul Howe | Postcode: SP10 5NY £762,394.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Mike Marsh ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A security 79000000-4 - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
07/03/2022 £1,361,433.00 Holiday Activities and Food Programme Delivery Holiday Activities and Food Programme Delivery 1 3.5 - Public Health and Prevention Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2022 31/12/2024 31/10/2024 31/03/2025 Public 33 36 69 1 DN544017 0 Company name: Activate Management Ltd | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Oliver Uffindall | Postcode: ST18 9AB £1,376,469.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Margaret Faribairn ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services, 98000000-3 - Other community, social and personal services
07/03/2022 Not set Recycling of Plasterboard Bristol Waste Company and Bath and North East Somerset Council have together procured services for the Treatment of Plasterboard Waste deposited by members of the public and commercial traders at their Recycling Centres and transfer stations. 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2022 31/03/2024 01/01/2024 01/06/2025 Public 24 12 36 1 DN607302 0 Company name: McCarthy Marland (Bristol) Ltd | Registration number: 4291229 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Alex Marland; Mike Chappell | Postcode: BS2 0XS £0.00 £45,000.00 £0.00 Ms Patricia Okowa ITT No No Bristol City Council Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Plasterboard, Recycling 90000000-7 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
04/03/2022 £67,500.00 Managing Agent - Bath Quays South Managing Agent - Bath Quays South 1 4.6.5 - Bath Enterprise Zone Bath and North East Somerset Council 25/03/2022 24/03/2024 24/03/2024 24/03/2024 Public 25 24 49 24 DN592624 0 Company name: Savills | Registration number: 02122174 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Emily Simpson | Postcode: W1G 0JD £125,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Richard Holden RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework managing agent 70330000-3 - Property management services of real estate on a fee or contract basis
02/03/2022 Not set Fuel (Diesel, Adblue and HVO) Fuel (Diesel, Adblue and HVO) RM6177 National Fuels 2 - CCS Framework 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2022 31/03/2024 31/01/2024 31/03/2024 Public 24 N/A 24 DN600292 0 Company name: Certas | Registration number: 04168225 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: n/a | Postcode: WA3 6XG Company name: Crown Oils | Registration number: 01315556 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: n/a | Postcode: BL9 7HY Company name: WFL (UK) Limited | Registration number: 00594001 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: n/a | Postcode: SN15 5DN £1,000,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Simon Porter RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework fuel 09100000-0 - Fuels
01/02/2022 £100,000,000.00 Flexible Framework of Independent Fostering Providers Flexible Framework of Independent Fostering Providers April 2022 - March 2026 1 3.3.1 - Complex Care and Targeted Support Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2022 31/03/2026 01/01/2026 31/03/2026 Public 48 24 72 2 DN567177 0 Company name: Action for Children | Registration number: 4764232 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Stephen Dabrowski; Shireen Shaikh | Postcode: WD18 8AG Company name: Amicus Foster Care | Registration number: 06724648 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Mark Brady | Postcode: bs2 9tj Company name: Blue Sky Fostering | Registration number: 5326869 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Ryan Harris; Amanda Mills; Dean Hallett; Sophie Amy | Postcode: SO51 8GT Company name: Capstone Foster Care (South East) Ltd | Registration number: 04486203 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Sarah Wickham | Postcode: B38 8SD Company name: Clifford House Fostering | Registration number: 6837132 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tender Unit | Postcode: HR6 0LA Company name: Community Foster Care | Registration number: 379101 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Dan Jones | Postcode: GL1 3BD Company name: Compass Community Limited | Registration number: 08017562 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Kayleigh Bancroft; Christopher Hughes | Postcode: LE7 1PF Company name: Enhanced Foster Care | Registration number: 06192133 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Enhanced Fostercare | Postcode: BL1 4AG Company name: | Registration number: 4307071 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Family | Postcode: BL1 4AG Company name: Five Rivers Child Care Limited | Registration number: 4236028 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Aime Singleton; Aime Singleton; Kimberley Smith | Postcode: SP1 3UT Company name: Foster Care Associates | Registration number: 04322806 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Nicci Keeley | Postcode: B60 4AD Company name: Fostering People Ltd | Registration number: 04241833 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Nicole Keeley | Postcode: NG2 7QW Company name: Fostering Solutions Ltd. | Registration number: 4006225 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Fostering Solutions | Postcode: BL1 4AG Company name: FosteringMatters | Registration number: 5083103 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Mike Castledine; Mike Castledine | Postcode: GL1 2LX Company name: Fosterplus Ltd | Registration number: 03196297 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tender Unit | Postcode: B61 7DL Company name: Fusion Fostering Ltd | Registration number: 07819299 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Gail Shepherd; Helen Hine | Postcode: TA3 6BY Company name: Integrated Services Programme (ISP) | Registration number: 2820208 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tender Unit | Postcode: ME 10 1GL Company name: Match Foster Care | Registration number: SC442843 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jacqueline Dunster; Simon Marsh; Carrie Marsh | Postcode: WR9 8QZ Company name: Nexus Fostering | Registration number: 5577806 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Ryan Harris; Stephen Bradley; Sophie Amy | Postcode: HA1 3EX Company name: Orange Grove Fostercare Ltd | Registration number: 07027421 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Nicola Keeley | Postcode: MK17 8LX Company name: Pathway Care South West Limited | Registration number: 5798137 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Pathway Care | Postcode: BL1 4AG Company name: Progress Care Solutions | Registration number: 4014026 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Claire Haynes; Referral Referral | Postcode: WV4 6JG Company name: Regional Foster Families | Registration number: 4217642 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Ann-Marie Baird | Postcode: PL6 5XH Company name: Swiis International Limited | Registration number: 03985713 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Paul Jamieson; Nirali Patel; Swiis Placements Team | Postcode: BS1 4PS Company name: The Adolescent and Children's Trust | Registration number: 2779751 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Philip Oldfield; Liam King | Postcode: SE13 6TJ Company name: The Children's Family Trust | Registration number: 0398875 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Ewa Wakeley | Postcode: B60 4DJ Company name: The Ethical Fostering Service Limited | Registration number: Ofsted 1274892 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Marilyn Josefsen; Norma Hawkes | Postcode: HU16 4DA Company name: The Foster Care Co-operative | Registration number: 3861213 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Bryony Groves; Steve Field; Sam Ram | Postcode: WR14 1GF Company name: The Fostering Foundation Limited | Registration number: 06445595 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: William Lewis | Postcode: PL19 0NH Company name: The National Fostering Agency Ltd | Registration number: 03127814 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Bronwyn Knights | Postcode: BL1 4AG £100,000,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Ian Tomlinson ITT Yes No North Somerset Council, South Gloucestershire Council, Gloucestershire County Council Bath and North East Somerset Council Dynamic purchasing system 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
16/12/2021 £30,000.00 Support/Advisor to the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) Support/Advisor to the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) 1 - Education Commissioning Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2022 31/07/2025 28/02/2025 31/07/2025 Public 28 24 52 1 Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 01/08/2025 | Estimated end date: 31/07/2027 | Comment: 24 month extension DN581922 0 Company name: RE Today Services | Registration number: 4192501 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Chelsey Miller-Brown; Lorraine Williams; Zoe Keens; Stephen Pett; Lat Blaylock; Julia Diamond-Conway | Postcode: B30 3FH £30,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Olwyn Donnelly Other (Direct award, following 1 response to Expression of Interest) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 80000000-4 - Education and training services
08/12/2021 £29,033.75 Wifi Support & Maintenance Wifi Support and Maintenance 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 15/12/2021 22/03/2026 01/09/2025 31/03/2026 Public 51 N/A 51 DN586411 0 Company name: Maintel Europe Ltd | Registration number: 2665837 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Michelle Bennetts | Postcode: SE1 8EZ £29,033.75 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Wayne Goodliffe Other (Direct Award RM3808 CCS Framework) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 32400000-7 - Networks
22/11/2021 £28,345.00 Routesmart & ArcGIS Annual Support and Maintenance Routesmart & ArcGIS Annual Support and Maintenance 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/12/2021 31/12/2024 01/06/2024 31/12/2024 Public 37 N/A 37 DN583291 0 Company name: Integrated Skills Limited | Registration number: 2849999 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Stuart Henshaw | Postcode: LS7 4NY £28,345.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Emma Turner RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 30200000-1 - Computer equipment and supplies
19/11/2021 £0.00 Invitation to Participate in a Further Competition under the Actuarial, Benefits and Governance Consultancy Services Framework Agreement (NCCT41941) Actuarial Services & Benefit Consultancy Services 1 1.3.2 - Corporate Finance Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2022 31/03/2027 31/03/2027 31/03/2027 Public 60 60 120 5 DN566442 0 Company name: Mercer Ltd | Registration number: N/A | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Laura Perera | Postcode: M2 4AW £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Carolyn Morgan RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Pensions, Actuarial 66520000-1 - Pension services, 66519600-7 - Actuarial services CPLT
19/11/2021 £360,000.00 Heritage Services Website Design and Rebuild and ongoing hosting, maintenance and development Heritage Services Website Design and Rebuild and ongoing hosting, maintenance and development 1 4.4 - Heritage Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 03/01/2022 31/12/2025 31/12/2025 30/09/2026 Public 57 12 69 1 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/10/2026 | Estimated end date: 31/12/2026 | Comment: included in ITT DN559919 0 Company name: Website Express limited | Registration number: 7580609 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: William Velasco | Postcode: CF103bg £360,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Rebecca Hare ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A website 72200000-7 - Software programming and consultancy services, 72260000-5 - Software-related services, 72250000-2 - System and support services
04/11/2021 £750,000.00 Costumed Interpretation Services Costumed Interpretation Services 1 4.4.1 - Roman Baths and Pump Rooms Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/03/2022 28/02/2025 28/02/2025 28/02/2025 Public 36 24 60 2 DN556330 0 Company name: Natural Theatre Company | Registration number: 1114273 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Andy Burden | Postcode: BA2 6AA £750,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Stephen Clews RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A costumed 92000000-1 - Recreational, cultural and sporting services
02/11/2021 £140,000.00 Fault Reporting and Case Management System Fault Reporting and Case Management System 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 30/10/2021 29/10/2024 01/03/2024 29/10/2024 Public 24 24 48 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 30/10/2023 | Estimated end date: 29/10/2024 | Comment: optional extension, Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 30/10/2024 | Estimated end date: 29/10/2025 | Comment: optional extension DN579233 1 Period: 12 months | Start date: 30/10/2023 | End date: 29/10/2024 | Comment: Extension taken | Approved date: 23/06/2023 Company name: SocietyWorks Ltd | Registration number: 05798215 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Clare Armiger | Postcode: N13 4BS £140,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mrs Alison Evans Other (exemption) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
01/11/2021 £0.00 Collection & Purchase of Kerbside Dry Recyclate Material The Council wishes to establish one or more Contracts for the provision of of the collection and purchase of Kerbside Dry Recyclate Material (KDR). 6 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/11/2021 31/10/2023 31/07/2023 31/10/2025 Public 24 24 48 4 DN566737 0 Company name: Palm Recycling Limited | Registration number: 7147643 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Philippa Curtis | Postcode: PE34 3AL Company name: smurfit kappa recycling | Registration number: 1017013 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Nicki Hanson | Postcode: b78 1sz Company name: Jayplas | Registration number: 1222186 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kerry O'Neill | Postcode: NN18 9EX Company name: Recresco Ltd | Registration number: 4066165 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Fraser Macintyre; Simon Etches; Lyndsey Faulkner | Postcode: NG17 8AP Company name: Newport Paper Ltd | Registration number: 2800814 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Dawn Tyrer | Postcode: TF10 7NB Company name: Jayplas | Registration number: 1222186 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kerry O'Neill | Postcode: NN18 9EX £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sarah Alder RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Recycling, Waste management 90500000-2 - Refuse and waste related services Awarded
01/11/2021 Not set Call-Off Contract for the Provision Of e-Books for Somerset County Council on behalf of the LibrariesWest Consortium LibrariesWest, along with Gloucestershire County Council, is carrying out a further competition exercise to establish a call off contract for the supply of a hosted platform (website and app(s)) and E-book content. The call off contract will be managed by Somerset County Council as the lead authority for the LibrariesWest consortium. Call off via ESPO Framework 376E_20 This contract was run through ProContract on behalf of SCC by North Somerset Council DN536911. North Somerset Council does not use ProContract to publish its awarded contracts hence this entry on behalf of all LW consortium partners and GCC. 1 Somerset County Council - ECI Commissioning Somerset Council 01/08/2021 31/07/2024 01/08/2023 31/07/2024 Public 36 24 60 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/08/2024 | Estimated end date: 31/07/2025 | Comment: First extension option, Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/08/2025 | Estimated end date: 31/07/2026 | Comment: Second extension option DN579354 0 Company name: Bolinda Digital Ltd | Registration number: 5086231 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tracy Leeming; Helen Bower; Hayley Higgins | Postcode: RG14 2PZ £825,000.00 £165,000.00 £0.00 Other (Further Competition - ESPO Framework 376E_20) Yes No North Somerset Council, Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council, South Gloucestershire Council, Bath and North East Somerset Council, Bristol City Council, Gloucestershire County Council, Dorset Council Somerset County Council Framework e-books, library 92000000-1 - Recreational, cultural and sporting services APPD
27/10/2021 £10,374.00 Manage Engine Five Years Maintenance and Support for Manage Engine Op Manager Professional Edition 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 29/10/2021 28/10/2026 01/06/2026 01/11/2026 Public 60 N/A 60 DN578884 0 Company name: Zoho Corporation BV | Registration number: COC 63503387 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: | Postcode: 3527 HT £10,374.00 £2,074.80 £0.00 Mr Imran Iqbal Other (Direct Award) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems appd
13/10/2021 £1,250,000.00 Mechanical, Electrical and Public Health Installations Consultancy Services A multi supplier framework for Mechanical, Electrical and Public Health Installations Consultancy Services 1 4.6.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council 16/09/2021 15/08/2025 15/08/2024 15/08/2025 Public 47 N/A 47 DN530521 0 Company name: Buro Happold | Registration number: 2049511 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Hannah Paulley | Postcode: BA2 3DQ Company name: Ingleton Wood LLP | Registration number: OC306572 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Jane Barrow | Postcode: E1 8DE Company name: Method Consulting LLP | Registration number: 0362831OC | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Natasha Fox; Natasha Fox; Rebecca Ross | Postcode: SN3 4TG £1,250,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Jeremy Vowles RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71500000-3 - Construction-related services, 71310000-4 - Consultative engineering and construction services
12/10/2021 £625,000.00 Building Surveying Services A multi supplier framework for building surveying services 1 4.6.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council 30/08/2021 25/07/2025 25/07/2024 25/07/2025 Public 47 N/A 47 DN526675 0 Company name: Rapleys LLP | Registration number: 0308311OC | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Helen Earwaker; Helen Kinsella | Postcode: SW1Y 6DN Company name: Rider levett Bucknall UK Ltd | Registration number: 4653580 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: RLB UK Bid Team; Caroline Harmer; Alec Frost | Postcode: B3 2BH Company name: The Fulker Consultancy Limited | Registration number: 4668055 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Helen Mason | Postcode: SE1 7SJ £625,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Jeremy Vowles RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71315300-2 - Building surveying services
01/10/2021 £120,000.00 FURTHER COMPETITION conducted under ESPO Framework Agreement 402_20 Language Services FURTHER COMPETITION conducted under ESPO Framework Agreement 402_20 Language Services 1 2.1.1 - Communities Bath and North East Somerset Council 26/10/2021 30/11/2024 04/01/2024 30/11/2024 Public 37 N/A 37 DN567962 0 Company name: Language Empire Ltd | Registration number: 5535464 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Carianne Woodward; Cheree Goleby | Postcode: OL12 6AE £120,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Louise Murphy RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 79530000-8 - Translation services
27/09/2021 £36,500.00 Automated Security Validation Software Automated Security Validation Software 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 30/09/2021 28/09/2024 01/04/2024 28/09/2024 Public 36 N/A 36 DN572451 0 Company name: Insight Direct (UK) Ltd | Registration number: 2579852 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Roger Talbot; Ross Poole | Postcode: UB8 1JG £36,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Wayne Goodliffe RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 30200000-1 - Computer equipment and supplies
26/08/2021 Not set Travel Management Corporate travel solution 1 2.2.2 - Organisational Development Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/06/2021 31/05/2025 01/09/2024 02/06/2025 Public 48 N/A 48 DN566176 0 Company name: TravelPerk UK IRL Limited | Registration number: 03770815 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Rachel Millward | Postcode: B1 1TT £500,000.00 £125,000.00 £0.00 Mr Anthony Meehan Other (Call off from external framework NEPO507) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Travel, Expenses, Corporate travel 63516000-9 - Travel management services
30/07/2021 £1,400,000.00 Provision of Library E-Audio Books Framework agreement for the provision of e-audio books 1 *Library Service Somerset Council 15/08/2021 14/08/2024 01/09/2023 31/07/2024 Public 36 12 48 1 DN524729 0 Company name: Bibliotheca | Registration number: 2983151 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Lindsay Coupland | Postcode: SK8 7BS Company name: Bolinda Digital Ltd | Registration number: 5086231 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tracy Leeming; Helen Bower; Hayley Higgins | Postcode: RG14 2PZ Company name: OverDrive, Inc. | Registration number: N/A | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Sarah Lintern | Postcode: 44125 Company name: Ulvercroft Limited | Registration number: 1068776 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Michele Petty; Marzia Ghiselli; David Mellin; Roxane Coetzer | Postcode: LE7 7FU £1,400,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Nena Beric ITT Yes No South Gloucestershire Council, Bristol City Council, Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council, Dorset Council, North Somerset Council, Bath and North East Somerset Council, Gloucestershire County Council Somerset County Council Framework libraries, audio, e-audio 92000000-1 - Recreational, cultural and sporting services
28/07/2021 £1,000,000.00 Multi Supplier Framework for Quantity Surveying Services Multi Supplier Framework for Quantity Surveying Services 1 4.6.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council 06/09/2021 22/08/2025 22/08/2024 22/08/2025 Public 48 N/A 48 DN538530 0 Company name: AtkinsRéalis PPS Limited (formerly Faithful+Gould Limited) | Registration number: 2236832 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: AtkinsRealis Bid Team Fa865ith | Postcode: SW1E 5BY Company name: Gleeds Management Services Limited | Registration number: 01753465 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Grace Obabumoye | Postcode: W1W 6XF Company name: The Fulker Consultancy Limited | Registration number: 4668055 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Helen Mason | Postcode: SE1 7SJ £1,000,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Jeremy Vowles RFQ Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71324000-5 - Quantity surveying services
23/07/2021 £2,004,157.00 Early Help Family Support & Play Service The targeted Early Help Family Support and Play Service will provide trauma-informed specialist family support and therapeutic child-led play activities for vulnerable children and their parents and carers. The Family Support and Play Service (FSPS) will deliver therapeutic approaches to support vulnerable children and young people to increase their self-esteem, relationships, resilience and social skills whilst also supporting their parents/carers to improve their emotional resilience and ability to support their children. The Service will provide therapeutic approaches to deliver whole family support and will work closely with schools to identify and support children, young people and their parent/carers who require targeted early help to prevent their needs escalating. The FSPS will form part of the targeted family support service model for Bath and North East Somerset which sits in between universal services and children’s statutory social and health care services. 1 3.5 - Public Health and Prevention Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/11/2021 31/10/2024 01/07/2024 31/10/2024 Public 36 24 60 2 DN537173 0 Company name: Southside | Registration number: 3368679 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jayne Mackley | Postcode: BA2 1QN £2,006,430.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mrs Marcia Burgham ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services exemption granted.
22/07/2021 £12,680.00 Mailroom Equipment Letter opener & Folder & inserter 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 03/09/2021 31/07/2027 01/04/2026 31/07/2027 Public 72 N/A 72 DN558036 0 Company name: The Mailing Room | Registration number: 03335982 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Charles Abbey | Postcode: BL9 7BR £12,680.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 30131000-6 - Mailroom equipment
20/07/2021 £175,000.00 BATH QUAYS NORTH DEVELOPMENT Property Development & Financial Analysis Consultancy Services BATH QUAYS NORTH DEVELOPMENT Property Development & Financial Analysis Consultancy Services 1 4.6.1 - Regeneration Bath and North East Somerset Council 10/06/2021 08/06/2024 09/06/2023 31/03/2024 08/06/2024 Public 24 36 60 3 DN539648 1 Period: 12 months | Start date: 08/06/2023 | End date: 07/06/2024 | Comment: extension 1 | Approved date: 21/08/2023 Company name: Carter Jonas LLP | Registration number: OC304417 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Iain Mulvey; Julie Miller | Postcode: W1G 0BG £175,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Jeff Owen RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework bath quays 79400000-8 - Business and management consultancy and related services
06/07/2021 £1,500,000.00 Project Management and Works Supervisory Services Multi supplier framework for the provision of Project Management and Works Supervisory Services 1 4.6.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council 23/08/2021 01/08/2025 01/08/2024 01/08/2025 Public 47 N/A 47 DN534671 0 Company name: Gleeds Management Services Limited | Registration number: 01753465 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Grace Obabumoye | Postcode: W1W 6XF Company name: Mace Limited | Registration number: 02410626 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Angela Addy; Bid Team; Nick Abbey; Opportunities Management | Postcode: EC2M 6XB Company name: Rider levett Bucknall UK Ltd | Registration number: 4653580 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: RLB UK Bid Team; Caroline Harmer; Alec Frost | Postcode: B3 2BH £1,500,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Jeremy Vowles RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71000000-8 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
05/07/2021 £240,568.00 Archaeology Support and Data Services Archaeology Support and Data Services 1 4.5 - Planning Bath and North East Somerset Council 28/06/2021 31/05/2026 03/08/2025 31/05/2024 Public 36 24 60 2 DN532026 1 Period: 24 months | Start date: 01/06/2024 | End date: 31/05/2026 | Comment: ongoing service | Approved date: 15/02/2024 Company name: South West Heritage Trust | Registration number: 09053532 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tricia Gardner-Harper | Postcode: TA2 6SF £240,568.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Paula Freeland RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Archaeology 71351914-3 - Archaeological services
28/05/2021 £80,000.00 School's Health & Wellbeing Survey 2021-2030 Understanding the health needs of children and young people is a priority in Bath & North Somerset (B&NES). Great significance is placed on hearing the voice of the child and maximising the opportunity to hear from as many children and young people across the authority, through a variety of methods. One of these methods is through the school’s health and wellbeing survey (SH&WS). Since 2011, the Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire (HRBQ) has been commissioned and offered to all state funded schools in B&NES on a biennial basis, occurring every two years. The well-established online survey tool provides valuable intelligence and insight about health and other needs and behaviours of children and young people. This data is used to assist with the planning of services and interventions to ensure they meet the health and welfare needs of children and young people. 1 3.5 - Public Health and Prevention Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/07/2021 30/09/2030 01/02/2030 30/09/2030 Public 111 N/A 111 DN535507 0 Company name: SHEU | Registration number: 3400946 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: David Regis; David Regis; David Regis | Postcode: EX5 1DP £80,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Clare Laker ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Schools, Health, Wellbeing 85000000-9 - Health and social work services, 73300000-5 - Design and execution of research and development
21/05/2021 £38,970.00 SLA Online Purchase of SLA Online 1 - Education Commissioning Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/06/2021 31/05/2024 01/12/2023 31/05/2024 Public 36 N/A 36 DN543194 0 Company name: Frontline Data | Registration number: 05427762 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Mike Goulding | Postcode: CM2 7PX £38,970.00 £12,990.00 £0.00 Ms Francesca Coles Other (Direct Award) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems, 48190000-6 - Educational software package
26/04/2021 Not set Independent Travel Training Service Independent Travel Training Service 1 - Education Commissioning Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2021 31/03/2024 30/11/2023 31/03/2024 Public 36 N/A 36 DN540343 0 Company name: Wiltshire & Swindon Users' Network | Registration number: 2870293 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Louise Rendle | Postcode: BA14 6JQ £107,583.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Kate Potter Other (Direct Award - exemption from CSOs) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
01/04/2021 £1,250,000.00 Civil and Structural Engineering Consultancy Services Consultancy Services Civils and Structural 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/11/2021 25/10/2025 28/06/2024 25/10/2025 Public 48 N/A 48 DN545177 0 Company name: BDP | Registration number: 2207415 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Julie Hawkins; Alice Crewdson | Postcode: EC1V 4LJ Company name: Buro Happold | Registration number: 2049511 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Hannah Paulley | Postcode: BA2 3DQ Company name: Curtins Consulting Ltd | Registration number: 2054159 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kelly Walters; Paul Menzies; Paula Thompson; Kelly Walters; Oliver Delucia-Crook | Postcode: L2 2SB £1,250,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Olivia Clements RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 71312000-8 - Structural engineering consultancy services, 71311000-1 - Civil engineering consultancy services
31/03/2021 Not set Reboot West Phase 2 - WECA Grant Funding for Care Leaver's Project Contract held by Bristol City Council - see contracts register entry DN568536 B&NES are one of the contributing authorities 1 - Care Outcomes Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2021 31/03/2025 01/02/2025 31/03/2025 Public 48 N/A 48 DN605182 0 Company name: 1625 Independent People | Registration number: 23964R | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Dom Wood; Jamie Gill; Paul Hale; Jo Lea-Jones; Dawn Taylor; Joanna Roberts; Vicky Harwood; Hannah Barry; Hannah Barry; Hannah Camm | Postcode: BS2 0ER £720,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Rachael Ward Other (Compliant exception: Competition absent for technical reasons) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 80000000-4 - Education and training services, 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
29/03/2021 £31,115.00 City Wi-Fi Support and Maintenance Wi-Fi Support and Maintenance 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 31/03/2021 31/03/2026 01/10/2025 10/04/2026 Public 60 N/A 60 DN533575 0 Company name: North PB Ltd | Registration number: 05217343 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Paul Cairney; Paul Cairney; Kerri Steedman | Postcode: LL17 0JG £31,115.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Wayne Goodliffe Other (RM3808 Direct Award) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 32400000-7 - Networks
18/03/2021 £24,000.00 JCAD LACHS. Insurance Claims Software JCAD LACHS V5.x for 3 users 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 20/04/2021 16/10/2024 01/06/2024 16/10/2024 Public 36 12 48 2 DN533733 0 Company name: JCAD | Registration number: 07000813 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Phil Walden; Tim Crawford | Postcode: GU33 6JS £24,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
08/03/2021 Not set Proactis1 – ProContract Proactis1 – ProContract e-Tendering (includes RFx, DPS/Frameworks, Quick Quotes, e-Evaluations, Contract Register & Contract Monitoring) 1 1.5.4 - Strategic Procurement Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2021 31/03/2025 31/01/2024 31/03/2025 Public 48 N/A 48 DN531075 0 Company name: Proactis Limited | Registration number: 3182974 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Simon Stackhouse | Postcode: LS22 6LE £37,600.00 £9,400.00 £0.00 Ms Michelle Vittozzi Other (Direct Award via NHS SBS Framework IT Solutions 2 (Digital Workplace Solutions)) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems APPD
05/03/2021 £6,000.00 Apply4 Event App Apply4 Event App 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2021 31/03/2024 01/02/2024 31/03/2024 Public 36 N/A 36 DN531206 0 Company name: Apply4Technology | Registration number: 03191937 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Karen Everett | Postcode: SE1 0BB £6,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
03/03/2021 £9,282.00 SignPlot & AccsMap Annual Support SignPlot & AccsMap Annual Support 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 05/05/2021 31/03/2024 01/01/2024 31/03/2024 Public 36 N/A 36 DN530109 0 Company name: Buchanan Computing | Registration number: 3274424 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Sales General; Alex Smith; Vincent Minzer; Buchanan_ITTs Buchanan | Postcode: W6 7AS £9,282.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
25/02/2021 £310,000.00 Children and Young People's Participation Service The statutory service aims to promote the participation of children and young people, particularly those most vulnerable*, in Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES) in order to ensure their voices are heard and responded to, and to encourage their active involvement in decision-making, service delivery and strategic development. 1 3.3.1 - Complex Care and Targeted Support Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2021 31/03/2026 01/12/2025 31/03/2026 Public 36 24 60 2 Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2024 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2026 | Comment: Contract extended DN515970 1 Period: 24 months | Start date: 01/04/2024 | End date: 31/03/2026 | Comment: Contract extended | Approved date: 10/01/2024 Company name: Off The Record Bath and NE Somerset | Registration number: 3643586 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Phil Walters | Postcode: BA1 1JW £310,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sarah McCluskey ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
05/02/2021 £20,000,000.00 General Building Works General Building Works Framework Lot 1 - Intermediate Works – from £25 and generally below £150,000 Lot 2 - Major Works – from £150,000 to OJEU threshold (currently £4,733,252) 2 4.6.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council 05/02/2021 23/02/2025 23/02/2024 23/02/2025 Public 49 N/A 49 DN505397 0 Company name: LCB Construction limited | Registration number: 07966669 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Bid Admin | Postcode: CF11 8QF Company name: MD Building Services Ltd | Registration number: 3556815 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Matt Constable; Emma Chivers | Postcode: BS3 2AW Company name: NKS Contracts Limited | Registration number: 3354173 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kim Clarke; Brendan Turner | Postcode: BS30 6DL Company name: 21st Century Building Services Ltd | Registration number: 4002614 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Jerry Dix; Ashley Russell; Carl Zammit; Ian Hayward | Postcode: BS3 5BQ Company name: Barnwood Limited | Registration number: 0785952 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Simon Carey; Dylan Hill | Postcode: GL4 3HS Company name: Bray and Slaughter | Registration number: 0286527 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Helen Tamlin | Postcode: BS3 5RD Company name: H Mealing & Sons Ltd | Registration number: 1550571 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Neil Pritchard | Postcode: BA1 7ES Company name: MD Building Services Ltd | Registration number: 3556815 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Matt Constable; Emma Chivers | Postcode: BS3 2AW Company name: Mobius Works Ltd | Registration number: 10653495 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Adam Davies | Postcode: BS30 8FJ Company name: NKS Contracts Limited | Registration number: 3354173 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kim Clarke; Brendan Turner | Postcode: BS30 6DL £20,000,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Michelle Vittozzi ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 45000000-7 - Construction work
04/01/2021 £325,000.00 Early Help Targeted Support Mentoring Service The service is a key part of the local Early Help and Intervention offer providing support for young people as soon as needs are identified offering the right help at the right time to improve young people's outcomes and to prevent them escalating and requiring statutory intervention. The mentoring service will deliver targeted support for young people who are assessed as being at risk of experiencing poor social, health and wellbeing outcomes. 1 3.5 - Public Health and Prevention Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2021 31/03/2025 01/11/2023 31/03/2025 Public 36 24 60 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2024 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2025 | Comment: 12 month extension 12/14 months DN505477 1 Period: 12 months | Start date: 01/04/2024 | End date: 31/03/2025 | Comment: 12 month extension agreed as per original contract and in line with review of services | Approved date: 06/11/2023 Company name: MENTORING PLUS BATH & NORTH EAST SOMERSET | Registration number: 5589316 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Ruth Keily | Postcode: BA! 3PT £325,000.00 £65,000.00 £0.00 Mrs Marcia Burgham ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
18/12/2020 £250,000.00 NEPO505 PREPAID CARD ACCOUNTS Call off from NEPO505 framework for the provision of prepaid cards and associated services 1 1.3.2 - Corporate Finance Bath and North East Somerset Council 11/11/2020 08/11/2024 08/01/2024 08/11/2024 Public 48 N/A 48 DN500765 0 Company name: Prepaid Financial Services | Registration number: 6337638 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Oliver Middleton | Postcode: EC3A 6AP £250,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mrs Helen Bush Other (Mini competition from external framework NEPO505) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 66000000-0 - Financial and insurance services
30/11/2020 £198,403.00 Civica (Abritas) Housing Options Hosting, Support & Maintenance of Housing Options Software Supply of hosting and support services for the Civica (Abritas) Housing Register, Choice Based Lettings, Customer Housing Portal Homelessness, Enhanced Housing Options and Supporting People modules 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/12/2020 30/11/2024 01/06/2023 30/11/2024 Public 24 12 36 2 DN513353 2 Period: 12 months | Start date: 01/12/2022 | End date: 30/11/2023 | Comment: 12 month extension taken | Approved date: 01/11/2022, Period: 12 months | Start date: 01/12/2023 | End date: 30/11/2024 | Comment: 12 month extension taken | Approved date: 01/09/2023 Company name: Civica UK Limited | Registration number: 1628868 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Bid Management | Postcode: SE1 9LQ £198,403.00 £36,245.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
23/11/2020 £2,000,000.00 Minor Building Work & Reactive Repairs Multi supplier framework for minor building work and reactive repairs 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council 11/01/2021 02/02/2025 02/02/2024 02/02/2025 Public 49 N/A 49 DN501015 0 Company name: BPM Contracting Services Ltd | Registration number: 5426784 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: James McVeigh; Chris Kille; Maudie Maddison | Postcode: BA2 3AY Company name: LCB Construction limited | Registration number: 07966669 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Bid Admin | Postcode: CF11 8QF Company name: NKS Contracts Limited | Registration number: 3354173 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kim Clarke; Brendan Turner | Postcode: BS30 6DL £2,000,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Michelle Vittozzi ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 50000000-5 - Repair and maintenance services, 45211000-9 - Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses Approved
19/11/2020 £49,000.00 Service and Maintenance of the Continuous Air Pollution Analysers Service and Maintenance of the Continuous Air Pollution Analysers as per Invitation to tender 1 3.2.5 - Building Control and Public Protection Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/12/2020 30/11/2025 01/08/2024 01/08/2024 30/11/2025 Public 36 24 60 2 DN505920 1 Period: 24 months | Start date: 01/12/2023 | End date: 30/11/2025 | Comment: Taken as per contract | Approved date: 16/10/2023 Company name: Enviro Technology Services Ltd | Registration number: 1726773 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Mike Webley; Mike Webley | Postcode: GL5 2BY £49,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Aled Williams ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A analysers 38344000-8 - Pollution-monitoring devices Approved
16/11/2020 Not set Temporary Agency Resources Provision of Temporary Agency Resources 1 2.2.1 - Human Resources Bath and North East Somerset Council 16/11/2020 01/11/2024 01/11/2023 02/11/2024 Public 48 N/A 48 DN510696 0 Company name: Matrix SCM | Registration number: 2227962 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Charlie Herdman-Newton ; Lucy McKay; Tender Tender | Postcode: MK5 8HJ £9,200,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Jo Griffin RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 79600000-0 - Recruitment services
21/08/2020 Not set Weather Forecasting Weather Forecasting service for Highways Dept. - 5 year contract 1 3.2.3 - Highways and Traffic Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/09/2020 31/08/2025 31/08/2025 31/08/2025 Public 60 N/A 60 DN494742 0 Company name: Metdesk | Registration number: 08282087 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: n/a | Postcode: NP226NJ £37,350.00 £37,350.00 £0.00 Mr George Boffin RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A weather 71351600-9 - Weather-forecasting services Approved
10/07/2020 Not set Independent Health and Social Care Advocacy for Adults Independent Health and Social Care Advocacy for Adults including: 1. Independent Care Act (2014) Advocacy 2. Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) including Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS), when that replaces DoLS 3. Independent Mental Health Advocacy 4. Independent Health Complaints Advocacy 5. Independent Advocacy for Social Care Complaints 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Specialist Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/10/2020 30/09/2024 30/06/2023 30/09/2024 Public 36 24 60 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/10/2023 | Estimated end date: 30/09/2024 | Comment: 12/24 months, Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/10/2024 | Estimated end date: 30/09/2025 | Comment: 12/24 months DN431025 1 Period: 12 months | Start date: 01/10/2023 | End date: 30/09/2024 | Comment: 12/24 months | Approved date: 01/10/2023 Company name: POhWER | Registration number: 3323040 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Fiona McArthur-Worbey | Postcode: SG1 2EF £912,900.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Claire Hannan ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
01/07/2020 £75,000.00 Department for Transport Street Manager Services Department for Transport Street Manager Services 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 15/08/2020 30/06/2025 01/04/2025 30/06/2025 Public 60 N/A 60 DN528247 0 Company name: Kainos Software Ltd | Registration number: NI19370 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Gareth Black | Postcode: BT7 1NT £75,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
29/06/2020 Not set Civica ICON Cash Receipting, ePayments and Income Management Software Civica ICON Cash Receipting, ePayments and Income Management Software call of from CCS Framework RM3821 1 1.3.2 - Corporate Finance Bath and North East Somerset Council 29/06/2020 25/06/2025 01/01/2025 30/06/2025 Public 60 24 84 1 DN484775 0 Company name: Civica UK Limited | Registration number: 01628868 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: N/A | Postcode: SE1 9LQ £260,591.00 £21,716.00 £0.00 Mr John Hewlett RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems, 48440000-4 - Financial analysis and accounting software package
11/05/2020 Not set Provision of Residual Municipal Waste Treatment Solutions The contract is for the receipt and treatment of residual waste delivered by the four West of England authorities, namely Bath & North East Somerset, South Gloucestershire, Bristol and North Somerset. The Waste delivered as part of this contract is classified as either Lot 1 Residual Municipal Waste or Lot 2 Bulky and HWRC Municipal Waste. The Contractor is required to treat all waste delivered, secure any end markets for the materials (as required), ensure appropriate licensing and permissions for the treatment and transport of waste. The contracts have an initial term to 31 March 2030, with provision to extend by one or more periods up to 31 March 2040. 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2020 31/03/2030 01/07/2025 31/03/2021 31/03/2030 Public 120 120 240 10 DN477754 0 Company name: ETM | Registration number: 6915518 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Amy McCormack; David Warren; Mike Gale | Postcode: BS3 2HR Company name: SUEZ Recycling and Recovery Uk Ltd | Registration number: 02291198 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Sonia Fitzgerald | Postcode: SL6 1ES Company name: Viridor Waste Management | Registration number: 0575069 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Bid Team | Postcode: TA1 1AP £110,250,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mrs Sarah Alder RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A residual waste, waste treatment 90000000-7 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
06/05/2020 Not set Northgate Support & Maintenance Northgate Support & Maintenance 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2020 31/03/2025 01/01/2025 31/03/2025 Public 58 12 70 2 DN476705 0 Company name: NEC Software Solutions UK Limited | Registration number: 968498 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Software Solutions | Postcode: HP2 7DX £566,490.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings Other (Direct Award) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
01/04/2020 Not set Autism Spectrum Disorder Support Service The ASD Support Service is delivered with the aim that children and young people with autism are supported to achieve and thrive and to sustain their educational placements. 1 - Education Commissioning Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/09/2020 31/08/2024 05/01/2024 31/08/2024 Public 36 12 48 1 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/09/2023 | Estimated end date: 31/08/2024 | Comment: Extension 1 of 1 DN453267 1 Period: 12 months | Start date: 01/09/2023 | End date: 31/08/2024 | Comment: 12 months extension approved | Approved date: 19/07/2022 Company name: Fosse Way School, Radstock | Registration number: 07728112 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Alison Reevey | Postcode: BA3 3AL £1,092,000.00 £273,000.00 £0.00 Ms Olwyn Donnelly ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A ASD, Autism 80000000-4 - Education and training services, 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
01/04/2020 Not set DfT Street Manager DfT Street Manager 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2020 31/03/2026 02/03/2026 31/03/2026 Public 60 N/A 60 DN503070 0 Company name: Kainos Software Ltd | Registration number: NI19370 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Gareth Black | Postcode: BT7 1NT £75,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
26/02/2020 Not set Network Core Switch Maintenance & Support Network Core Switch Maintenance & Support 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 09/03/2020 31/03/2024 02/01/2024 31/03/2024 Public 37 12 49 1 DN462440 1 Period: 12 months | Start date: 01/04/2023 | End date: 01/03/2024 | Comment: Extended with Maintel | Approved date: 25/01/2023 Company name: Maintel Europe Ltd | Registration number: 2665837 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Michelle Bennetts | Postcode: SE1 8EZ £70,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 72700000-7 - Computer network services
10/02/2020 Not set In Cab Technology for Waste Collection Vehicles The Council has entered a contract to install in cab technology system to its waste and recycling collection vehicle fleet to make efficiencies and improve the standard of service offered to residents. 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/03/2020 28/02/2025 08/01/2024 28/02/2025 Public 36 24 60 2 DN449723 0 Company name: Bartec Auto ID Ltd | Registration number: 02719701 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Stephen Deakin | Postcode: S75 1JN £200,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Lisa Gore RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework In Cab Technology, Fleet software 50111100-7 - Vehicle-fleet management services
03/02/2020 £41,500,000.00 Independence at Home Flexible Framework Independence at Home Flexible Framework 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Community and Health Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 24/02/2020 23/02/2027 01/10/2026 23/02/2027 Public 84 24 108 1 DN442975 0 Company name: Abicare Health Solutions Ltd | Registration number: SC411465 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Gbenga ogunbadejo; Clare Slater; Jide Aiyenitaju | Postcode: M33 2AA Company name: ABNEY AND BAKER | Registration number: 09704633 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Ian Willis | Postcode: BA1 5JF Company name: Agincare Group Ltd | Registration number: 6182736 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Contracts Admin; Dawn Souter; Sarah Asbury; Vicky Hill; Mark Bethell | Postcode: DT5 1BB Company name: Altogether Care LLP | Registration number: 0307772OC | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Brian Westlake; Stephen Knell; Sarah Mullins | Postcode: DT4 7QF Company name: Amicus Homecare | Registration number: 07363702 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Andrew Uter; Axel Oester | Postcode: BA1 3AU Company name: Atwell Care | Registration number: 1-5488129473 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Carly Fewell | Postcode: BA11 5JY Company name: Better Home Care Services Limited | Registration number: 11412688 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jon Sharpin; Lindsay Brier; Tracy Crane; Rachael Crook | Postcode: E1 6PJ Company name: Blakehill Healthcare Ltd | Registration number: 09887775 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Lorraine Gazi | Postcode: BS32 4JT Company name: Blue Fountain Care Limited | Registration number: 14197635 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Franklin Sowah | Postcode: BS7 8AT Company name: Bluebird Care Bath & North East Somerset | Registration number: 7171524 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Louise Taylor; Claire Nolan | Postcode: BA2 3EW Company name: Bosun Care Ltd | Registration number: 10089370 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Olatubosun Abubakar | Postcode: GL5 2AY Company name: Brighter Days Care at Home | Registration number: 11970058 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Emma Belcher | Postcode: SP3 4HR Company name: Cadog Homecare LTD | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Rhian Hoare | Postcode: SA19 6RS Company name: Candle Flame Care | Registration number: 11613846 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Vongai Makore | Postcode: BS9 4PN Company name: Care 1st Ltd | Registration number: 5329909 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kay Morley-Cooper; Kay Morley-Cooper; Frank Molony | Postcode: Bs9 1dw Company name: Care And Respite England Ltd | Registration number: 11331962 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Karen Heavens | Postcode: BS40 5QR Company name: Care Navigation Ltd | Registration number: 11365493 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Teresa Rumuma | Postcode: BS10 6AS Company name: Care South | Registration number: 2565033 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Phillip Smith; Martin Ross | Postcode: BH14 0HU Company name: Caring Comes 1st Limited | Registration number: 8346606 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Lisa Owen | Postcode: BS15 8ND Company name: Celtic Care Services Ltd | Registration number: 4181099 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kevin Lessells | Postcode: SN14 6QW Company name: Cherish Able Care Ltd | Registration number: 7832268 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Faith Hughes; Faith Hughes | Postcode: BS16 5EL Company name: Courtfield Healthcare Limited | Registration number: 7673796 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: John Jabangwe | Postcode: BS16 5SE Company name: Crystal Caring Ltd | Registration number: CRT1-2615205996 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tamera Norman | Postcode: SN2 2PN Company name: Delight essential Services t/a Dolphin healthcare Services | Registration number: 8513887 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Ngozi Akpara | Postcode: B26 2RU Company name: Divine Health Care Business Solutions t/a Divine HomeCare Solutions | Registration number: 08718198 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Godfrey Gwenzi; Farayi Godfrey Gwenzi | Postcode: BA3 2BB Company name: Dorothy House Hospice Care | Registration number: 1360961 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Monique Lear | Postcode: BA15 2LE Company name: EnigmaClinicalSolutions | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Claire Popplewell | Postcode: BS22 7SB Company name: Erian Limited | Registration number: 6508254 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Michele Bodman | Postcode: BA2 2RY Company name: First City Nursing Services | Registration number: 3801323 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Stephen Trowbridge | Postcode: SN2 2QG Company name: GRACE LIVE IN CARERS LTD | Registration number: 07838793 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Alice Mhizha | Postcode: M35 9BG Company name: H.O.P.E Superjobs Ltd | Registration number: 5081894 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Marlene joseph; MARLENE JOSEPH; Marlene Joseph | Postcode: IG1 4DU Company name: Hazelcare Limited | Registration number: 11663114 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Abraham Chipuriro | Postcode: BS15 1AP Company name: Home Instead Senior Care Bristol East | Registration number: 10835156 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Joe Spitzer | Postcode: BS15 3DR Company name: I & S Dutton LTD t/a Carewatch Bath | Registration number: 4290835 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Caroline Burfield | Postcode: BA3 2HN Company name: Invictus Plus Care | Registration number: 11135716 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Kay Kamunga | Postcode: BA14 8AE Company name: KP Live in Services | Registration number: 11218857 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Mairita Prosko | Postcode: TF1 6QJ Company name: Kumari Care Limited | Registration number: 3423397 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Santosh Chaston | Postcode: BA1 2PW Company name: LIZOR CARE CONCEPT | Registration number: 12470545 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Benjamin Onuwa Alizor | Postcode: SP2 0BL Company name: LUMIERE CARE LTD | Registration number: 12477054 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: BENJAMIN ALIZOR | Postcode: GU14 7PG Company name: Maxi Health care | Registration number: 12791337 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Stabiso Mudekunye | Postcode: ME9 8TP Company name: Merit Healthcare Ltd | Registration number: 09599960 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Cecily Wheeler | Postcode: SN2 2PJ Company name: Midshires Care Limited t/a Helping Hands | Registration number: 3959933 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Lisa Watkiss | Postcode: B49 6EP Company name: Mkoko HealthCare | Registration number: 13958444 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: C Makombe | Postcode: BS39 7SX Company name: Network Health & Social Care | Registration number: 4079081 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Sue Ing | Postcode: CV7 7PT Company name: ODC Care Limited | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Ammar Srour | Postcode: BA1 2NT Company name: Phoenix SW Ltd | Registration number: 7094584 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Thomas Greenwood | Postcode: BA1 7AL Company name: Prestige Nursing and Care Bath | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kim Phillips | Postcode: BS6 5EA Company name: Radis Community Care Ltd | Registration number: 3587165 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Contracts Manager; Gary Dickerson | Postcode: B77 4AS Company name: Ram Personnel Healthcare | Registration number: 08544500 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Leah Sadoka | Postcode: GL2 2AT Company name: Retain Healthcare Limited | Registration number: 11572722 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: David Trowbridge; Emma Curtis; Geoff Vale | Postcode: GL50 1HR Company name: Safe and Sound Homecare Services LTD | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Gemma Gamester; Karen Graham; Eve Gulliford; Yasmin Athay | Postcode: BA3 3BX Company name: Somerset Care | Registration number: 2548025 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Karen Woodberry; Cheryl Webber; Karen Martin; James Pearson | Postcode: TA1 2PX Company name: supported independence | Registration number: 4376396 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Catherine Twine; Nicola Stanworth; Christine Frey; Nikki Miles | Postcode: BS6 5NJ Company name: Three Roses LTD | Registration number: 12750262 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Sindisiwe Mhlanga | Postcode: BS39 7SX Company name: Warren Homecare Ltd | Registration number: 13523548 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Stevie-Marie Zaidi | Postcode: ip28 8tl Company name: Way Ahead Community Services Ltd | Registration number: 3116636 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Samantha White; Samantha White | Postcode: TA1 1EQ £41,500,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mrs Cheryl Hansford ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
28/01/2020 Not set Parent Carer Facilitation Service Parent Carer Facilitation Service 1 3.3.1 - Complex Care and Targeted Support Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2020 31/03/2024 01/12/2023 31/03/2024 Public 36 24 60 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2023 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2024 | Comment: Extension 1 of 2, Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2024 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2025 | Comment: Extension 2 of 2 DN447558 0 Company name: Bath and North East Somerset Carers Centre | Registration number: 3289938 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jacqui Orchard | Postcode: BA2 9ES £20,000.00 £4,000.00 £0.00 Ms Dee Chadda RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 80000000-4 - Education and training services, 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
28/01/2020 Not set Black & Minority Ethnic Support Service Black & Minority Ethnic Support Service 1 3.3.1 - Complex Care and Targeted Support Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2020 31/03/2025 01/12/2024 31/03/2025 Public 36 24 60 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2023 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2024 | Comment: Extension 1 of 2, Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2024 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2025 | Comment: Extension 2 of 2 DN445747 2 Period: 12 months | Start date: 01/04/2023 | End date: 31/03/2024 | Comment: Extension 1 of 2 | Approved date: 16/03/2023, Period: 12 months | Start date: 01/04/2024 | End date: 31/03/2025 | Comment: Extension 2 of 2 | Approved date: 09/01/2024 Company name: Black Families Education Support Group | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jason Pegg | Postcode: BA1 1JB £51,710.00 £10,342.00 £0.00 Ms Dee Chadda ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 80000000-4 - Education and training services, 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
28/01/2020 Not set Cultural Diversity & Equalities Support Service Cultural Diversity & Equalities Support Service 0 3.3.1 - Complex Care and Targeted Support Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2020 31/03/2024 31/01/2024 31/03/2024 Public 36 24 60 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2023 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2024 | Comment: Extension 1 of 2, Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2024 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2025 | Comment: Extension 2 of 2 DN447482 2 Period: 12 months | Start date: 01/04/2023 | End date: 31/03/2024 | Comment: Extension 1 of 2 | Approved date: 16/03/2023, Period: 12 months | Start date: 01/04/2024 | End date: 31/03/2025 | Comment: Extension 2 of 2 | Approved date: 09/01/2024 £77,150.00 £15,430.00 £0.00 Ms Dee Chadda ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 80000000-4 - Education and training services, 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
25/11/2019 £170,000,000.00 FLEXIBLE FRAMEWORK FOR THE PROVISION OF CARE FOR ADULTS IN CARE HOMES FLEXIBLE FRAMEWORK FOR THE PROVISION OF CARE FOR ADULTS IN CARE HOMES 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Community and Health Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 16/12/2019 15/12/2024 01/01/2024 15/12/2024 Public 60 24 84 1 Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 16/12/2024 | Estimated end date: 15/12/2026 | Comment: Extension 1 of 1 DN394994 0 Company name: Acegold Limited | Registration number: 03484784 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Stephen Liddle | Postcode: SK9 1BU Company name: Barchester Healthcare Homes Ltd | Registration number: 2849519 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Mark Warburton | Postcode: EC2A 1AS Company name: Bridge Care Ltd | Registration number: 2001246 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Pamela Bourton | Postcode: BA2 6PZ Company name: Brighterkind, The Cedars Nursing Home | Registration number: 09414383 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Justine Tonks; Chantal Kirkland; Rita Harris; Jacqui Burvill | Postcode: SK9 1BU Company name: Bupa Care Homes GL Limited | Registration number: 1587972 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jayne Smith | Postcode: LS18 4UP Company name: Cedar Care Homes Ltd | Registration number: 03585946 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Minal Desai; Tanny Roxas; Ganesh Gudka; Daniel Ziezula | Postcode: BS8 4AE Company name: Cherry Garden Properties Limited | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Dennis Tahalele | Postcode: B43 6HS Company name: CHOLWELL HOUSE NURSING HOME LTD | Registration number: 4747378 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Julie Tooze | Postcode: BS39 5DJ Company name: Country Court Care Homes Ltd | Registration number: 09813979 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Joseph Wey; Joe Roberts | Postcode: PE4 6ZN Company name: Gracewell of Weymouth | Registration number: 07603016 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Sean Colledge; Michelle Williams | Postcode: DT4 9QX Company name: Miltas Ltd | Registration number: 6809130 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Karen Webb | Postcode: BA1 3PX Company name: Mostyn Lodge Care Home | Registration number: 5224004 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Daria Koeller | Postcode: bs31 2jh Company name: Oriel Lodge Limited | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Bilal Raja | Postcode: NW11 7YA Company name: SS Philip & James Retirement Home Limited | Registration number: 05814974 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tom Craig | Postcode: BS31 2BX Company name: St Monica Trust | Registration number: 9357207 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Debbie Harris-Brandi; Wendy Leaman; Fran Ashby; Sarah Smith; Sara Naylor-Wild; Kay Rudge; David Williams; Elizabeth Gibbons | Postcode: BS9 3UN Company name: T C CAREHOMES LTD | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: stephanie clift | Postcode: BA3 4RA Company name: Westin Care Home Limited | Registration number: 12404483 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Shah Seehootoorah | Postcode: BS14 0PS £170,000,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Karen Green ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council Dynamic purchasing system Care Homes, Residential, Nursing 85311000-2 - Social work services with accommodation WME Award
04/11/2019 Not set Targeted Youth Support Targeted Youth Support for young people aged 13 – 19 (up to 25 with SEND) living in Bath and North East Somerset 1 3.5 - Public Health and Prevention Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath and North East Somerset 04/11/2019 03/11/2024 02/05/2024 03/11/2024 Public 60 N/A 60 DN450411 0 Company name: Youth Connect South West | Registration number: 11953689 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tracey Pike | Postcode: BA2 1NR £2,585,000.00 £517,000.00 £0.00 Mr Anthony Taylor RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
29/08/2019 Not set Residual Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Solutions The treatment or processing and associate resultant disposal of residual municipal waste for the four councils. Bristol City Council, Bath & North East Somerset Council, South Gloucestershire Council and North Somerset Council. The Partnership is seeking to secure a waste treatment contract, or contracts, to commence on 1 April 2020. The initial term of the contract will be for 10 years, with the option to extend by further periods up to a further 10 years. There will also be the option to bring the contract start date forward to accommodate the early delivery of waste from some of the Authorities. The Partnership requirements have been split into two Lots • Lot 1 Residual Municipal Waste • Lot 2 Bulky and HWRC Municipal Waste 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2020 31/03/2030 01/06/2027 31/03/2039 Public 120 120 240 10 DN484286 0 Company name: ETM Recycling LTd | Registration number: 06915518 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: N/A | Postcode: BS3 5RN Company name: Suez Recycling and Recovery UK Ltd | Registration number: 02291198 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: N/A | Postcode: SL6 1ES Company name: Viridor Waste Management Limited | Registration number: 575069 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: N/A | Postcode: EX2 7HR £500,000,000.00 £25,000,000.00 £0.00 Ms Sarah Alder ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Waste, Residual 90500000-2 - Refuse and waste related services
01/08/2019 Not set Library Self Serve and RFID Equipment Library Self Serve and RFID Equipment 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 25/07/2019 01/10/2024 08/01/2024 15/07/2024 Public 60 24 84 1 DN413225 0 Company name: Bibliotheca | Registration number: 2983151 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Lindsay Coupland | Postcode: SK8 7BS £75,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 48160000-7 - Library software package
26/06/2019 £16,331.50 Network Circuits 2 x 100mbs Point to Point Circuits Network Circuits 2 x 100mbs Point to Point Circuits 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 26/06/2019 25/06/2024 01/01/2024 25/06/2024 Public 36 24 60 1 Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 26/06/2022 | Estimated end date: 25/06/2024 | Comment: optional extension DN637158 1 Period: 24 months | Start date: 26/06/2022 | End date: 25/06/2024 | Comment: extension taken for both links with annual invoice | Approved date: 04/10/2022 Company name: The Networking People (TNP) Ltd | Registration number: 7667393 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Chris Wade; Chris Wade; Chris Wade; Joe Hargreaves | Postcode: LA1 3PE £16,331.50 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Wayne Goodliffe Other (Framework Award RM1045 Direct Award) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 32400000-7 - Networks
30/05/2019 Not set Licensing Forms Solution Provision of Licensing Forms Solution 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2020 31/03/2024 01/12/2023 31/03/2024 Public 24 12 36 2 DN410363 2 Period: 12 months | Start date: 01/04/2022 | End date: 31/03/2023 | Comment: first extension | Approved date: 04/03/2022, Period: 12 months | Start date: 01/04/2023 | End date: 31/03/2024 | Comment: Final years extension | Approved date: 04/05/2023 Company name: Victoria Forms | Registration number: 4624804 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Robert Cowan | Postcode: IP33 1HP £45,640.00 £0.00 £0.00 Miss Emma Turner Other (G Cloud Framework) No No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework 48218000-9 - License management software package
20/04/2019 Not set Core Wan Circuits Core Wan Circuits 1 1.8 - Information Technology Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/05/2019 30/04/2024 01/11/2021 30/04/2024 Public 36 12 48 2 DN397884 1 Period: 12 months | Start date: 01/05/2023 | End date: 30/04/2024 | Comment: Final years extension | Approved date: 13/04/2023 Company name: The Networking People (TNP) Ltd | Registration number: 7667393 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Chris Wade; Chris Wade; Chris Wade; Joe Hargreaves | Postcode: LA1 3PE £78,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Sally Cummings RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 30237110-3 - Network interfaces
10/04/2019 Not set Nurture Outreach Service Nurture Outreach Service 1 - Education Commissioning Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/09/2019 31/08/2024 31/05/2022 31/08/2024 Public 36 24 60 1 Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 01/09/2022 | Estimated end date: 31/08/2024 | Comment: 2 year extension DN388132 1 Period: 24 months | Start date: 01/09/2022 | End date: 31/08/2024 | Comment: 24 months taken | Approved date: 28/04/2022 Company name: Three Ways Brighter Futures | Registration number: 8102655 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Kieran McCarthy | Postcode: BA2 5RF £471,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Olwyn Donnelly ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Special Educational Needs, Nurture 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
22/03/2019 Not set Thermae Bath Spa Water Supply Cleaning In Place and Water Sample Collection Operations Thermae Bath Spa Water Supply Cleaning In Place and Water Sample Collection Operations 1 3.2.5 - Building Control and Public Protection Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/07/2019 30/06/2024 30/06/2024 30/06/2024 Public 36 24 60 1 Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 01/07/2022 | Estimated end date: 30/06/2024 | Comment: Agreed by panel 22/2/22 DN387140 1 Period: 24 months | Start date: 01/07/2022 | End date: 30/06/2024 | Comment: see above | Approved date: 22/02/2022 Company name: CHG South West Ltd | Registration number: 9952316 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Nathan Hawker | Postcode: DT6 3FH £127,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Phil Mansfield RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A CIP 65120000-0 - Operation of a water-purification plant
01/03/2019 Not set Occupational Health and Employee Assistance Occupational Health and Employee Assistance to employees of Bath and North East Somerset Council 2 2.0 - People and Policy Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2019 30/04/2024 09/01/2022 01/05/2024 Public 37 24 61 1 DN390824 0 Company name: Health Assured | Registration number: 06314620 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: N/A | Postcode: M4 4FB Company name: Cordell Health | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kathryn Smith | Postcode: SN10 1HT £575,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Jo Griffin ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
08/02/2019 Not set Bath Quays North Competitive Dialogue Bath Quays North Competitive Dialogue Development of the BQN site 1 4.6.5 - Bath Enterprise Zone Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2019 29/11/2028 29/11/2028 29/11/2028 Public 116 N/A 116 DN263073 0 Company name: Savills | Registration number: 2605138 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Emily Simpson | Postcode: W1G 0JD £150,000,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Jeff Owen ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A bath quays north, competitive dialogue 45000000-7 - Construction work, 70000000-1 - Real estate services, 71000000-8 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
07/01/2019 Not set Young Carers Services The service will be provided to: • Children and young people aged 5 to 18 years (inclusive) living in Bath and North East Somerset. Priority will be given to those children and young people who are providing the most support (‘substantial care on a regular basis’) to a family member. There should, however, still be a universal aspect to the service ensuring early intervention. The Service will be responsible for: • Promoting health and well-being, identifying needs and intervening early • Supporting parenting • Delivering child, young person and family-centred services • Supporting young people growing up into adulthood • Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people 1 3.3.1 - Complex Care and Targeted Support Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2019 31/03/2024 01/12/2021 31/03/2024 Public 36 24 60 2 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2022 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2023 | Comment: Extension 1 of 2, Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2023 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2024 | Comment: Extension 2 of 2 DN363718 2 Period: 12 months | Start date: 01/04/2022 | End date: 31/03/2023 | Comment: 12 months extension approved | Approved date: 20/01/2022, Period: 12 months | Start date: 01/04/2023 | End date: 31/03/2024 | Comment: 12 months extension approved | Approved date: 16/03/2023 Company name: Bath and North East Somerset Carers Centre | Registration number: 3289938 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jacqui Orchard | Postcode: BA2 9ES £270,000.00 £53,698.00 £0.00 Ms Dee Chadda ITT No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Carers, Young 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
04/12/2018 Not set Highways Maintenance & Improvement Contract Highways Maintenance & Improvement Contract 1 3.2.3 - Highways and Traffic Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2019 31/03/2026 31/03/2026 31/03/2026 Public 84 36 120 1 DN318134 0 Company name: VolkerHighways Ltd | Registration number: 0638559 | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Pam Evans | Postcode: EN11 9BX £70,000,000.00 £7,000,000.00 £0.00 Mr Craig Jackson ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Highways, Maintenance 45000000-7 - Construction work
01/11/2018 £16,000,000.00 Passenger Transport DPS 2019 to 2023 Passenger Transport DPS 2019 to 2023 1 3.2.6 - Passenger Transport Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2019 31/03/2024 31/03/2023 31/03/2024 Public 60 N/A 60 DN337270 0 Company name: Access Travel Bath | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tim Westlake | Postcode: BS39 7QA Company name: Andrewsminibusprivatehire | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Andrew Hickling | Postcode: BS31 1EW Company name: Arleen Coach Hire Ltd | Registration number: 1275382 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Justin Spiller; Justin Spiller | Postcode: BA2 8DH Company name: avonminibuses ltd | Registration number: 4840423 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: michael webb | Postcode: BS15 3JE Company name: Bath Road Taxis | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Royston Jeffries | Postcode: BS30 9DQ Company name: Bath Wav | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Sean Hobbs | Postcode: BA2 1SQ Company name: Berkeley Coach and Travel Ltd | Registration number: 1090868 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Timothy Pow | Postcode: BS39 7PL Company name: Bristol Minibuses | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: David Hockey | Postcode: BS40 5RP Company name: Bugler Coaches Ltd | Registration number: 4907826 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Matt Creed | Postcode: BS39 5TG Company name: Centurion Travel Ltd | Registration number: 2396416 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Steve Spiller | Postcode: BA3 2TP Company name: Chandlers Coach Travel | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Jack I'Anson | Postcode: BA13 4JN Company name: Citistar Limited | Registration number: 6931180 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Andrew Fear | Postcode: BS39 7LL Company name: CROWN CAR HIRE EAST HARPTREE | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: NICHOLAS BRANCH | Postcode: BS40 6AA Company name: CT Coaches | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Susan Young | Postcode: Ba3 5TX Company name: e cars bath ltd | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Peter Merriam | Postcode: BA2 1DB Company name: Eagle Coaches Ltd | Registration number: 7167918 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Adrian Ball | Postcode: BS5 9PJ Company name: eurotaxis | Registration number: 2626854 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: William Sanzo; Keith Sanzo; Daniel Blackmore | Postcode: BS37 5NH Company name: Fallows Taxis | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Darren Fallows | Postcode: Bs313be Company name: Filers Coaches | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Patrick Filer | Postcode: BS39 4B| Company name: First Avenue Travel Ltd | Registration number: 7371366 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Mark Jefferies | Postcode: BA3 2PB Company name: FLYERS TAXIS | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Shaun Harvey | Postcode: BS16 6SF Company name: geoff seymour | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Geoff Seymour | Postcode: BA2 1LU Company name: HCT Group | Registration number: 4137890 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Julia Meek; Julia Meek; Belinda Nicholls | Postcode: N1 6AH Company name: Highway Taxis & Travel | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Paul Sterry | Postcode: BS14 8PS Company name: Jason King Ltd t/a J&J King | Registration number: 5429337 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jason King | Postcode: BS31 1NR Company name: Keynsham Cars | Registration number: 6910963 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Andrew Pennington | Postcode: BS31 2AL Company name: KMJ Taxis | Registration number: 8618068 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Martin Hawker | Postcode: BS31 1DQ Company name: Libra Travel Ltd | Registration number: 6917046 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Christopher Higgs | Postcode: BA11 2RG Company name: M.iles private hire | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Martin Iles | Postcode: Ba3 2uw Company name: MARIO PRIVATE HIRE | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: MARIAN CALINOIU | Postcode: BA2 3TW Company name: Mendip Community Transport | Registration number: 4376941 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Mike Curtis | Postcode: BA4 4RN Company name: Minibus Travel | Registration number: 7406509 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Elaine Hayward | Postcode: BS41 8JW Company name: need to get home taxi | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: sandra marsh | Postcode: BA3 4NP Company name: Peasedown Taxis | Registration number: 7440557 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Carly Jefferies | Postcode: BA2 8JA Company name: Pluto Enterprise Limited | Registration number: 8771350 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Christopher Cronin | Postcode: BS14 9DB Company name: Radstock Taxis | Registration number: 8008967 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Michael Mason | Postcode: BA3 2BB Company name: Riverside Taxis | Registration number: 8414254 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Lynn Duckett | Postcode: BS39 7RA Company name: RoadRunner Mini Buses | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Steven Edwards | Postcode: BA2 8SS Company name: Robert Taxi | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Robert Kosin | Postcode: BA2 2EG Company name: Roman bath private hire | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Craig Bowen | Postcode: BA2 2BQ Company name: Russells of bath private hire | Registration number: 09435043 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Daniel Pike | Postcode: BA3 3AH Company name: s w stentaford | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: stephen stentaford | Postcode: BS31 2WB Company name: SJ & JM Munden Ltd t/a Guyan Minibuses | Registration number: 4806233 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Simon Munden; James Munden | Postcode: BS4 5PF Company name: Somerset Transport Services Limited | Registration number: 4714436 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: WALTER SELWAY | Postcode: BS39 7RF Company name: Stagecoach West | Registration number: 1713578 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Commercial West | Postcode: GL1 3HF Company name: Steve Warren transport Services Ltd | Registration number: 7540075 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Stephen Warren | Postcode: BA2 8TX Company name: Toms Taxis | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Tommy Jukes | Postcode: BA3 2SB Company name: Travelbillity Ltd | Registration number: 4686889 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Wlliam Davies | Postcode: BS22 7XS Company name: Turners Coachways Bristol Ltd | Registration number: 1369495 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kevyn Jones | Postcode: BS2 0QS Company name: Veezu Ltd | Registration number: 03927808 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Michala Woodward; Claire Perry; Kayleigh Baylis; Fiona Baldwin | Postcode: CF10 1DY Company name: welton cabs | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: alicia vanyai | Postcode: BS39 7XQ Company name: Wilkins Private Hire | Registration number: N/A | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Michael Wilkins | Postcode: BA2 6EG Company name: ZIPPE Transport Ltd | Registration number: 10553032 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Daniel McIntyre; Rachael McCarthy; Jackie Cox | Postcode: BA2 8SG £16,000,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Helen Dewar RFQ Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council Dynamic purchasing system Passenger Transport, Taxi, Minibus, Coach, Home to School 60140000-1 - Non-scheduled passenger transport, 60130000-8 - Special-purpose road passenger-transport services, 60170000-0 - Hire of passenger transport vehicles with driver, 60112000-6 - Public road transport services
01/10/2018 Not set Home Improvement Services Home Improvement Services Framework Agreement Tendered by BCC. B&NES is a party to the agreement 1 4.6.2 - Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/10/2018 31/03/2022 31/03/2022 31/03/2024 Public 41 24 65 1 Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 01/04/2022 | Estimated end date: 31/03/2024 | Comment: 24 month extension DN514165 1 Period: 24 months | Start date: 01/04/2022 | End date: 31/03/2024 | Comment: 24 months taken | Approved date: 10/05/2022 Company name: WE Care & Repair | Registration number: 25479R | SME: False | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Kevin White | Postcode: BT38 9BT £502,250.00 £147,000.00 £0.00 Mr Chris Mordaunt ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council Framework housing 45000000-7 - Construction work
26/09/2018 Not set Provision and Investment of a Public Convenience Service The provision of modern public convenience facilities. This includes all aspects of repair and maintenance, along with daily servicing/cleaning of the public conveniences. 1 3.2.2 - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Bath and North East Somerset Council Bath & North East Somerset 06/01/2014 05/01/2029 06/01/2025 01/04/2029 Public 180 60 240 1 DN367741 0 Company name: Healthmatic Ltd | Registration number: 2065014 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Piers Dibben; Mark Wilkinson; Elaine Wallace | Postcode: SN11 9PL £5,085,000.00 £339,000.00 £0.00 Ms Lisa Gore ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Public toilets 50760000-0 - Repair and maintenance of public conveniences, 45215500-2 - Public conveniences
15/02/2018 Not set Bus Real Time Information (RTI) System Provision of Bus Real Time Information (RTI) System for the Bristol and surrounding area, OJEU Contract Reference No 2017/S 101-201984 1 3.2.8 - Transport and Parking Bath and North East Somerset Council 05/03/2019 14/02/2025 14/02/2025 14/02/2025 Public 84 24 108 1 Period: 12 months | Estimated start date: 15/02/2025 | Estimated end date: 14/02/2027 | Comment: BCC to advise if agreed DN396575 0 Company name: IDOX Group | Registration number: 2933889 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jen Roberts | Postcode: RG7 4SA £50,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Jon King ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A rti 34000000-7 - Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation
28/11/2017 Not set Provision of Bus Stop Infrastructure Cleaning & Maintenance Provision of Bus Stop Infrastructure Cleaning & Maintenance 1 3.2.3 - Highways and Traffic Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/11/2017 31/01/2025 31/01/2024 31/03/2024 31/01/2025 Public 75 N/A 75 DN275560 0 Company name: Bus Shelters Ltd | Registration number: 1822681 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Lisa Black | Postcode: CF71 7PY £351,972.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Paul Garrod RFQ Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Bus stop, shelter, maintenance 90917000-8 - Cleaning services of transport equipment, 45213315-4 - Bus-stop shelter construction work
22/11/2017 Not set Your Care Your Way Community Health and other services across Bath and North East Somerset 1 - Integrated Commissioning - Community and Health Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/04/2017 31/03/2024 01/10/2023 30/11/2027 Public 84 36 120 1 DN309957 0 Company name: HCRG Care Group | Registration number: N/A | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Craig Adams; Claire Bertram; Andrew Turner | Postcode: BA2 1RS £700,000,000.00 £70,000,000.00 £0.00 Ms Claire Thorogood ITT Yes No B&NES Clinical Commissioning Group Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A 85000000-9 - Health and social work services
28/09/2017 Not set Provision of Automatic Number Plate Recognition Cameras Provision of Automatic Number Plate Recognition Cameras 1 3.2.3 - Highways and Traffic Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/11/2017 31/03/2024 31/10/2021 31/03/2023 30/06/2024 Public 77 12 89 2 Period: 6 months | Estimated start date: 01/02/2023 | Estimated end date: 31/07/2023 | Comment: Contract Extension to allow Procurement, Period: 3 months | Estimated start date: 01/08/2023 | Estimated end date: 31/10/2023 | Comment: Contract Extension if needed to allow Procurement DN239904 2 Period: 12 months | Start date: 30/11/2021 | End date: 31/10/2022 | Comment: Extension taken | Approved date: 01/10/2021, Period: 6 months | Start date: 01/02/2023 | End date: 31/07/2023 | Comment: Extension taken (contract variation) | Approved date: 17/01/2023 Company name: Videalert Limited | Registration number: 5040786 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: David Wearmouth | Postcode: HA5 3BY £410,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Andy Dunn RFQ Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A ANPR, Camera, Transport 34970000-7 - Traffic-monitoring equipment
16/08/2017 Not set Energy at Home: Solid Wall Insulation Guarantees Energy at Home: Solid Wall Insulation Guarantees 1 4.2 - Green Transformation Bath and North East Somerset Council 16/08/2017 04/07/2028 04/07/2028 04/07/2028 Public 120 N/A 120 DN293984 0 Company name: SWIGA | Registration number: 06813694 | SME: True | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Andrew Champ | Postcode: LU7 1FG £7,770.00 £0.00 £0.00 Ms Kathy Tate RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Energy at Home 71314000-2 - Energy and related services
01/12/2016 Not set Somer Valley Business Centre Somer Valley Business Centre 1 4.6 - Regeneration and Housing Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/10/2018 31/03/2028 31/03/2028 01/09/2026 Public 114 24 138 1 DN169785 0 Company name: Basepoint Centres Ltd | Registration number: 3048451 | SME: True | VCS:False | VCS registration: | Contact name: Brian Andrews | Postcode: W2 2UT £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Steve Phelps RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Somer 75100000-7 - Administration services, 79410000-1 - Business and management consultancy services
06/05/2015 Not set Leisure Facilities Contract Leisure facility management See PQQ, ISDS and ISFT in main contract for info 1 3.5 - Public Health and Prevention Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/07/2015 30/06/2035 30/06/2035 30/06/2035 Public 240 1 241 1 DN105464 (CONTRACT-SWCE-9FRDWP) 0 Company name: GLL (Greenwich Leisure Limited) | Registration number: 0027793IP | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Jeremy Webster | Postcode: SE18 6SX £100,000,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mr Martin Pellow ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Leisure, Management, Facility, Sports, Recreation 92000000-1 - Recreational, cultural and sporting services, 92600000-7 - Sporting services, 16150000-1 - Lawn or sports-ground rollers, 37480000-6 - Machinery or apparatus for leisure equipment, 77320000-9 - Sports fields maintenance services, 92610000-0 - Sports facilities operation services, 92620000-3 - Sport-related services, 37416000-7 - Leisure equipment, 45242000-5 - Waterside leisure facilities construction work, 45212000-6 - Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants, 79993000-1 - Building and facilities management services, 92621000-0 - Sports-event promotion services, 92622000-7 - Sports-event organisation services, 16311100-9 - Lawn, park or sports-ground mowers, 45112720-8 - Landscaping work for sports grounds and recreational areas, 45212100-7 - Construction work of leisure facilities, 45212110-0 - Leisure centre construction work, 79993100-2 - Facilities management services
20/05/2014 Not set CIL and S106 Administration software CIL and S106 Administration software, see attached contract. 1 4.5 - Planning Bath and North East Somerset Council 20/05/2014 20/05/2025 20/02/2025 20/06/2025 Public 48 N/A 48 DN84575 (CS-SWCE-9L7HQ5) 0 Company name: Exacom Systems Limited | Registration number: | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Mr Geoff Kirby | Postcode: N/A £44,500.00 £10,449.05 £0.00 Mr John Theobald RFQ No No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A CIL, S106 48600000-4 - Database and operating software package
01/01/2010 Not set Catering Service for Heritage Services Catering Service for Heritage Services 1 4.4 - Heritage Services Bath and North East Somerset Council 01/02/2010 31/01/2025 01/01/2024 31/01/2025 Public 120 24 144 1 Period: 24 months | Estimated start date: 01/02/2021 | Estimated end date: 31/01/2023 | Comment: Already extended by Pat Dunlop DN362879 1 Period: 24 months | Start date: 01/02/2021 | End date: 31/01/2023 | Comment: Already extended by Pat Dunlop | Approved date: 31/08/2018 Company name: Searcys | Registration number: 0331909 | SME: False | VCS:True | VCS registration: N/A | Contact name: Kathryn Richmond | Postcode: WC1X 8AL £1,000,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 Mrs Penny Jenkins ITT Yes No Bath and North East Somerset Council N/A Catering 55520000-1 - Catering services
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